Emu, For Once, Has Remembered A Guy's Name

Ha. And there you go. "[Bam] tagged [Emu-Head] in 12 photos". Did I need to be in 12 photos? Hellz no. Did he need to take an overall total of 60 goddamn photos of Thursday night? Even more hellz no. I even said to him on MSN after I looked at the pictures that he was obviously just trying to prove how cool and/or popular he was, and he didn't quite seem to get what I was getting at... and of course not. There's one thing I've grown to hate about Facebook, and that's these people who literally take 70,000 pictures of absolutely nothing, just to prove that they have friends who are willing to let them take pictures of them.

Um... yeah. This is when I tell you to look at the time and state the obvious that, of course, I just got home.

Good times with Thing 1 tonight. I mean... I really didn't want to go to the bar. I was so dead tired because I really didn't sleep at all last night... 1 or 2 hours at the most. Then I worked today. Then I went straight from work to Thing 1's place. We drank a bit, then we headed out to the bar. And, you know, I achieved my unofficial goal of every time I go to the bar of making out with someone. Because, you know, there is nothing drunk Emu likes more. Seriously. Drunk Emu likes swapping spit with whoever shows an interest. And, like, this guy... sure, I had to ask what his name was again afterwards but, for once, after such a session I'm actually 100% sure what his name was. AND I got his phone number. AND he got my phone number. AND I'm sure neither of us are going to call the other one, but he was really sweet and really quite good.

We went down by the water where we made out and did a few other things, but also mutually decided that as much as we may have liked to have gone further, didn't because of a lack of that lovely little latex device. And it's sooo funny because before we left for the bar, Thing 1 was like "Hey, do you think you're gonna need a condom? Because I have one you can have." and I was all like "Naw, are you kidding? I won't need one." And, actually, it is quite good that I didn't have one because otherwise I'd probably be sitting here now feeling quite a lot worse about myself. Because Emu still likes to think that she's not a slut. Emu may be wrong, though.

Then we went back to Thing 1's place and after quite a fiasco with this guy who wanted us to come back to his house so he could make us French Toast, and a cab driver who just did not believe that Mr French Toast could end up being able to pay a $60 cab fare after dropping us off at Thing 1's place then going to his (I ended up paying $20 to this cab driver because, literally, he was not going to let me out unless I did... even though Mr French Toast was promising all over the place that he could cover the whole thing). Thing 1 and I drank a bit more and talked about how much we hate the male species... Angry Girl had called me that morning and I told her about Thing 2 and Bam, and she had told Thing 1 about it... but then when Thing 1 asked Thing 2 what she had been up to the night before, she just said she was hanging out with some people and wouldn't give any more specifics... ooooh, shady. Anyways, I talked about how much that had hurt at the time that I walked home all alone in the middle of the night along Shady-Assed Road where it's a damn miracle that I wasn't killed because I just felt like that was the only way I could deal with how I was feeling. And Thing 1 talked about this guy who she only saw for a week and a half but, yet, 3 weeks after they stopped seeing eachother, she's still hurting. Guys don't deserve to cause girls as much pain as they do.

Anyways... I work at ridiculous o'clock this morning so... yeah. I really need to go to bed and get at least a bit of sleep.

2007-06-02 at 4:19 a.m.