Enjoy My Musical Interlude

It's my day off. Why am I up this early?


Yesterday at work... first day since I started taking this medication where I got that panicky "Oh my god, oh my god. I can't be here right now, I gotta get outta here RIGHT NOW!!!!" feeling that I used to get all the time. It was no good. I managed to stay for my whole shift though, mainly because I took an extended coffee break and then spent as much time as I thought I could get away with just hiding out in the back. Not a good day yesterday. Huge step backwards.

But there are apparently many co-workers of mine who would pay money to see me flip out and run out of the store screaming like instinct makes me feel like I should do so often, so at least that's something. It's been recommended I get a pledge sheet going.

So yesterday after work I went out for pitas with my Friendly Neighbourhood CD Swapping guy (aka Mr Blue Party aka Friendly Neighbourhood Reporter Man [well, one of them anyway {brackets are fun}]) and it was all good. I worship the pita. And I was told that I am too good for my job, too good for alcoholic potheads, and I should get my drivers license. All of which has been noted.

I'm too sexy for my hat. Too sexy for my hat, what ya think about that?

Oh, and speaking of alcoholic potheads... yeah, Bam and I were going to dooooo somethingggggg last night, and he seemed to be all super stoked about it earlier in the day, but then Mr No Self Control went and ate himself into a coma and he ended up calling me later in what sounded like an incredible amount of pain, saying we'd have to doooo somethingggg this weekend instead because he felt too tired and sick. I was disappointed for about 5 minutes, but then I decided that it wasn't worth me being disappointed over. And there you go.

So today I need to get my crap together. Normally I've been good at keeping up with my budget, but lately I just don't seem to care about how much money I've been spending so I've been letting the receipts just pile up on my desk here, among other garbage. Today's the last payday of the month, so I need to figure out how much I'm over or under in my spending. What a lot of work, though, since I've been neglecting this for so long. Not looking forward to that, but it needs to be done. But other than that, I don't have any solid plans for today. Might just do a little grocery shopping, then stay home and chill out.

And right now I think I'll go back to bed.

2007-04-27 at 6:19 a.m.