Why Is Cheese So Cheesy? Why Is Dirt So Dirty?

I heart my new MySpace/Facebook/possibly Nexopia default picture. Praise my webcam for making me look better than I actually do, praise my messed up dye job, praise my stupid bangs covering one eye... praise everything.

Alright, new low today when it came to customer stupidity. This woman came up to me all angry-like and asked "Why are these size 6 petite pants so small?!" Um... where to start? First of all... they're petite. Meaning small. Short legs. Secondly... they're a size 6. Meaning a small waist. So that is the exact reason why they were so small. I mean, it wasn't a matter of them being marked at some other larger size but them actually being a size 6 petite... no, they were clearly marked all over the place. This idiot, who was at least a size 14, just obviously had it in their head that this particular size was supposed to be bigger. They need to learn how clothing sizes work before they start bitching at me.

And why do people dump/shove/stick/drop shit wherever the hell they damn well please, making my life miserable even more than it already is? I hope the karma gods kill them.

So I came home from work and promptly ate the entire contents of my kitchen. What a day. Long as hell, and jam packed full of stuff. I'm so tired. My job blows sometimes. And I'm right back there tomorrow morning.

I dunno. I guess that's all I have to say. Time to shower, waste more time on Facebook, probably eat some more, and go to bed. Good times.

2007-04-17 at 7:28 p.m.