Did I Need To Buy All Those Chocolate Bars? Yes.

Ugh. I don't like being awake this early. Stupid body and its stupid making me wake up at stupid times and making it impossible for me to fall back asleep. It's brutal.

Anyways... so the Little Chickita was infact able to rent her boyfriend's basement suite, and she called me yesterday morning all frantic like... "You have to decide! NOW!!!" And I hate pressure like that. I mean, even though I said in here before that if she got the place that I'd move in with her, when I was actually faced with that situation I decided that I just really did not want to. I mean, yeah it was a cute place and yeah I'd save a lot of money by having a roommate but... what good is extra money if it takes me forever and a day to get to anywhere where I can spend it?

But she text messaged me last night and said that she found someone else, so that's a relief. Because, yeah, I appear to be just really really attached to this part of town. And I don't ever want to leave.

Work yesterday was fine. Stupid 12 to 8 shift again, though. I love it, but at the same time I hate it. I had my performance evaluation yesterday... apparently I meet if not exceed company standards in all areas, which is good. And, hey, get this... I'm getting a raise. Woo! The manager I was talking to said she didn't know how much, because I guess it was one of the other managers who decided, but I'll find out later. It won't be much, I know that much for sure. But, hey, every little bit helps.

I hit Wal Mart after work and bought a truckload of stuff. But, and this is the reason why I heart Wal-Mart, my literal truckload of stuff only came to 80 bucks. And it was all stuff I needed or semi-needed. I figured I should splurge what with March having been a rather prosperous month for me... with those 3 paydays, I won't even have to dig into my tax refund to make up for my wild spending in the past couple days...

...Unless I go all crazy crazy today. There's still a few more food items I'd like to buy, plus... and I don't know if this will actually happen but... Angry Girl and I have plans to go see some strippers tonight. Last Sunday we both drunkenly decided that we really wanted to go see strippers, and yesterday she was like "You know... we totally should." So we might. It would be fun, I think.

Anyways... I'd really like to go back to sleep. So I'm going to give it a try.

2007-03-31 at 4:47 a.m.