A Sign I Should Cut Back On The KD?

So I made Kraft Dinner for supper, which is not unusual for me. However, what was unusual... while I was draining the macaroni, I managed to pour boiling hot water all over my hand. Score one for me. I won't go into detail about how I wept, but needless to say... that smarts. I don't think it's bad enough to require medical attention, but it's fairly nasty. I mean... I burn myself on a semi-regular basis, but it's usually when I'm using the toaster oven. I do believe this is the first time that I've actually poured hot water on myself.

So, yeah, I was eating my KD left-handed, standing up at the sink while I was holding my right hand under cold water. And, again, I'm not going to go into detail about the weeping. Because you don't need to know that.

Dear God. My hand hurts. It was starting to feel better, I soaked it in cold water for, like, half an hour, then I doctored it up with tea tree oil and it was feeling okay, but it's starting to really hurt again. Goddamn. That is one beautiful burn.

Anyways, as if I even need to say anything... no word yet. It sucks. And what sucks even more is the number of people I've told that I applied there again. I don't know why I keep telling people this. Half of the people at work know by now. So I have several people asking me "So, have you heard back from them yet?" And that's just going to make it all the more embarassing if I never do. Also... I'm a little bit afraid that someone's going to leak it to management, and I don't particularly want them to know I want to leave. They'd either try to talk me out of it, or say "Fine. We don't want you anyway." And neither would be good.

Know what's funny, though? Employees at work are dropping like flies. One left last week, another one is leaving the end of this week, and yet another one next week... Says a lot, really.

So I think I'm going to go Google me some burn remedies, because I don't believe the tea tree oil is cutting it. Watch me become horribly disfigured. Wouldn't that be great?

2006-12-12 at 6:49 p.m.