Stupid Rain! I Wish You Had Never Been Born!

Aw man, it's pouring out there! I don't wanna go out there. This sucks.

Anyways... I can't believe it's Friday already! This week flew by, which is definitely good. This was also my longest week, in terms of hours. It was essentially a 40 hour work week. Not 40 paid hours, unfortunately, because of the stupidly long unpaid lunch break they make you take. But... yeah. Wow. If they're still offering me work weeks this long after Christmas, I'll stay. But I know they won't be.

As it stands right now, I only have 30 hours next week. So... yeah. But, you know, if I'm working on any given day, I'd really prefer it to be a long shift because just the fact that I have to go to work ruins my entire day to the point where I can't get anything else done. So... might as well get as much money out of the day as possible.

Holy hell! It is freakin' pouring out there! This better cease and desist in the next hour, or I'm going to be upset.

So, my parents are coming down on Sunday. This is fantastic. I'm quite happy. My mom asked me last night on MSN if I minded if they came down and I said "Of course not! But what's the special occasion?" and she was like "Just because." Awwwwwwww! My parents wuv me. My mom said they'll have to leave again in time to get home and give my spastic cat his anti-anxiety medication, and I have no idea what time of day that happens, but no doubt it's around noon or so. My parents never stay here very long when they come.

By the way, my cat is apparently extremely mellow now. I can't even begin to picture this. I guess all he does now is just sit on people's laps. And he's never been much of a lap cat. It's so weird. It's the drugs, man! I'm not sure if I approve. But I guess it's better than him constantly freaking out and pissing all over the house, like he was.

Make the rain stop. Otherwise, I'm not going to work. Yeah, if only.

2006-11-03 at 6:02 a.m.