And I Love My New Foam Microphone

Work today was brutal. If I had known that they were going to have me crawling all over the place again today, I would have dressed a little differently. I was busy all day, so the time went quickly but it tired me out something fierce as well. I also had the pleasure of accidently breaking something. Or was it an accident? Subconsciously, I probably did it on purpose. But oh well. I suppose it happens. I'm clumsy as hell anyway. Still embarassed me, though. Oh... and I won a lunch bag. I'm sure I'm thrilled. However, I didn't have a lunch bag before, so I guess I'm ahead now.

So... the news thing this evening. Good times. I didn't stand there watching it for the full two hours but... well, I stood there watching it for most of it. I left for a little while to go get something to eat, then I left again for a little while later on to take a quick spin around the mall, just because I was getting restless. But the whole thing was cool.

When I was walking around I walked right by my Friendly Neighbourhood Reporter Man and, in true Emu fashion, I had to say something stupid to him so I was just like "Can I tell you something? You look really good in glasses." Which he does. He was just like "Yeah, I've been told that before. Maybe I should put them back on." And I said "You better!" And... yeah.

Then after the news was over I had to get the anchor's autograph, even though I already have it from when I saw him do the On The Road thing when he was at the other TV station. Anyways, so when I went up to him he said "You've been watching very patiently all evening." Heh. So he noticed that I was one of the few who was actually hanging around for the majority of the newscast like the major dork that I am. That's so cool. He seemed like a nice guy. Makes up for the fact that he came across as a bit of a dick when I met him last time.

Then I decided to get Friendly Neighbourhood Reporter Man's autograph, just for fun. So I did that, and I said something about being a big fan of his, which isn't the first time I've told him that, and he was just like "We've met before, haven't we? In Nutty McShitville?" Well, except he didn't actually call it "Nutty McShitville", but you know. And... yeah. Heh. He said I had looked familiar to him. And I said I was honoured for him having remembered me. And... yeah. That's my story.

And I just got an e-mail from my mom saying that she was watching the news and saw me. That's hilarious.

Then I went and bought The Satanic Bible to get a certain Satanist off my back, and also because, low and behold... I have extra money this month! June was the last month that I had extra money. So I'm pretty damn excited.

Now I must sleep. So tired.

2006-10-27 at 8:25 p.m.