It's All In My Head. I Know It Is.

I am NOT WILLING to go through another day of this bullshit. I just wanted to make that perfectly clear.

Not that stating it in here will make a damn bit of difference.

Yesterday was fine, but I still have that constant feeling that I'm slowly dying inside and nothing's going to stop it. It's the kind of feeling where I just want to run screaming into the woods, except it's still too hot for that kind of activity. So, instead, I'll probably just walk screaming to the bus stop, and sit screaming on the bus, while it takes me to the Good Mall. Because, you know, yesterday I went downtown. So today, natural order of things... gotta go to the Good Mall.

And, you know, if I actually were sitting there screaming on the bus, probably no one would think anything of it.

One thing I did do slightly different on my way downtown yesterday, is I took a different bus. I always take the same two buses, and I don't know why because practically every bus route goes downtown. All the major ones, anyway. Which is probably what makes them major routes, the fact that they go downtown. Anyways... yeah, good times. Especially when we went by that place that I didn't bother applying at a little while ago because "Oh, none of the buses go by there." Heh. Heh heh.

The bus system here kicks ass. I just want to go on record as saying that. I hear nothing but complaints from other people who live here but... this is a pretty damn adequate bus system for the size of this place. Seriously. Bravo, Regional District of Cracktown. Bravo.

I finished reading "It" yesterday. 1100+ pages in about a week and a half. Not bad, considering I've been known to take 6 months to read a 200 page book. And it's not because of my unemployedness that I was so successful in reading that encyclopedia-sized novel. And it's not because it was all that interesting of a book either. And the ending... what the fuck was that? But, no, it's because my attention span is seriously getting better. And that makes me happy.

So... another day of internal hell for me. Talk to you about it tomorrow.

2006-07-26 at 6:47 a.m.