Empathy? What?

Ever have a day where, try as you might, you just cannot escape Elton John? It's really funny how often that happens to me.

Anyways... hello. Hot enough for ya? I practically had a stroke last night while watching the weather forecast on the news and they said that the high was going to be 34 degrees today. And now I actually am having a stroke, because it likely is that hot. Actually... just for shits and giggles, let me turn on the Weather Network and see exactly how hot it is right now... Oh, well, it's only 28, with a humidex of 31. Yeah. Only.

Work today was okay. I did have someone litterally scream at me today, though. My first screamer! Yay! And this job has made me hard... a few months ago, that would have made me cry. But today... well, it was all I could do to not burst out laughing. The guy was a lunatic. And I personally hadn't done anything wrong, so it was mostly all good. It's just that... yeah. A lot of people are a whole lot of crazy.

And my new supervisor (who will from this point forward be known as Funny Little Supervisor) took some time today to go over how I've been doing with me. He definitely approaches that differently than Creepy Supervisor did. He was a little more neutral in what he was saying, whereas with Creepy Supervisor I was always sort of under the impression that if I had gone postal and completely shot up the place, he'd still be telling me that I rocked and was an excellent employee. I mean, Funny Little Supervisor was still really supportive and all that and commended me on what I've been doing well, but he spent more time than Creepy Supervisor ever did on focusing on what I could improve on, which I think is what I really needed to hear. Even though I pretty much already knew what I needed to improve on, there's something about hearing it from someone else that actually encourages you to do something about it.

Smelus Mobility wants to know if I'm interested in replacing my phone. I dunno. Am I? I should think about that. The phone I have now is a Samsung Somethingorother. Durable little motherfucker... I've dropped it a million times, and it still keeps on going... but, well... I don't know. Definitely thinking of upgrading.

2006-06-26 at 2:17 p.m.