I Love Buying Foods I've Never Heard Of

I forgot to tell you this in my last entry. On Tuesday I had a bitch of a headache after work, so I decided to take some ibuprofen, which almost always does the trick. A few hours later, though, my headache was actually getting worse and I was all "What up with that?" Eventually it dawned on me... I had accidently taken a multi-vitamin instead. And... yeah. Needless to say, that didn't do a damn thing for my head. I couldn't believe that, though. I need to pay better attention to what I'm doing. That situation could have been a lot worse. Good thing I don't keep my rat poison next to the ibuprofen.

Anyways... I'm all pissed off because we're having a pot luck at work tomorrow. Normally, pot lucks don't piss me off. Normally I'm a huge fan of the miracle that is the pot luck. However, since I didn't come up with anything myself, I was assigned something to bring. And... I wasn't impressed. And it cost more money than I had originally intended on spending. I suppose it's my fault, though, for not thinking of something myself. But dammit! Spending money puts me in a bad mood. So I'm going to gorge myself on everything else there tomorrow to make up for it.

Like today... there were free doughnuts. And you better believe I had a couple of those. I should have had more. Or at least stuffed them in my bag or something. As many as I could fit in. I've decided that I really need to take advantage of free food whenever possible.

The Little Chickita wasn't at work today. I'm talking to her on MSN right now, though. Apparently she was up late last night dwelling on some guy, so she decided not to come into work. Uh... yeah. Good excuse. *sarcasm* And for a little while it was looking like RSGM wasn't going to show up either and I was thinking about going home if neither of my people were there. But, luckily, RSGM did eventually show up. Although I think he was wishing he hadn't. He said to me several times "This is the worst day EVER." I enjoy associating with this guy, not just because he provides 110% of my daily recommended dosage of man pretty. It's because he's, like, the only person I've ever known who actually has worse luck when it comes to these kinds of things than I do.

And I think he might be the only person there who has the exact same feelings towards this job as I do as well. He wants to quit too. He has the same "I knew this was going to happen... I knew I wasn't right for the job... biggest mistake ever... I need to find something better..." attitude. And we have, like, the same massive panic attack every morning. We just sit there and freak out together. Good times.

2006-04-20 at 1:57 p.m.