Easy, Breezy, Beautiful Cover Girl

I feel like I've changed a lot over the past couple weeks or so. Maybe it's because everything's starting to fall into place, and I'm finally taking that step into full-fledged adulthood. It's a pretty cool feeling. I give it four stars out of five.

I'm real tired, though. I haven't been sleeping very well. I have, however, been falling asleep earlier these past few days, which is probably a good thing. But this morning... awake at 3:30. I could do without that.

Aunt DOS [hey, new diary rebirth, new nicknames for people if I feel it necessary... maybe I'll make up a new cast list later] came over last night with an armful of pictures from when my cousin and her baby were here around Christmas time. The pictures that I was in disturbed me enough that I've decided to modify my makeup routine. Hoo dog, it did not translate well onto film. I suppose it's still fine for days when I know for sure that I'm not going to get my picture taken, but... yeah. It bothered me a lot.

So... things are going fine. Tralalala.

I question whether or not this entry was necessary.

2006-02-22 at 3:35 p.m.