
So things with Cute Emo Boy continue to go, like, AMAZINGLY. We went and lazed in the field again on our lunch break, then after work we went and walked around downtown... he showed me some areas I hadn't seen before. He was born and raised here, he knows all the spots. And it was kinda, like... romantic. We were holding hands and stuff for a while, and sitting and looking at the water. Then he treated me to dinner again. And when I said I felt bad that he had bought me dinner twice now, he was like "Naw, I want to! I got money to burn." Which is, like, A LOT better than Capital City Guy's "Yeah, I make twice the amount of money you do but we still have to go 50/50 on everything" policy. So Cute Emo Boy is super sweet and awesome and I'm smitten and he walked me home and we made out for, like, 10 minutes infront of my building with a bunch of people staring at us... good times, good times.

But blarg, tomorrow is Thursday meaning that he's at school and not at work, so there will be a serious lack of pretty pretty emoness once again. Makes me sad. But aw man, this guy is a friggin' SWEETHEART and a GENTLEMAN and I'm just blown away. Maybe I should always go for younger guys from now on. The older ones haven't been cutting it, that's for damn sure.

Capital City Guy sent me a couple of bastardly text messages in response to my status on Facebook, indicating my good mood. He was all like "Why you so happy, hmmmm? Have a hot date?" I debated telling him, but instead just said something about how work is going really well... which is kinda true too. And not just because of pretty pretty emoness, but I'm racking up some insane bonus lately, lemme tell you what. Emu has been efficient since her return to the regular office. Damn efficient. But, yeah, I don't want to tell him that I'm kinda dating someone already, cuz that just looks all kinds of bad on my part... although I've already told, like, everyone else on the planet. I'm just happy. I'm having fun. I'm enjoying the heart essplodin' feeling of having a massive crush on a cute boy who is nice to me. I won't take it too seriously unless it really starts heading in that direction.

Anyways, just had to gush. You can carry on now, I'm done.

2009-06-10 at 9:31 p.m.