Woot Woot For The Single Life!

You know... having a nap and waking up at 8 really isn't good when you prefer to be asleep by about 10. I'll be awake until about 4 in the morning now, no doubt.

So, yeah, I don't really have much to say, I'm just trying to tire myself out so I can, like, sleep a bit before I have to go to work. And work tomorrow should be awesome because I'll be having lunch with Cute Emo Boy again, and then after work we'll be going downtown. I'm pretty stoked that he keeps asking me to do stuff. I haven't scared him off yet. He wasn't at work today, because he doesn't work Tuesdays and Thursdays cuz he goes to school, so there was a definite lack of pretty pretty emoness and it made me, well... emo. So tomorrow will be better.

I'm pretty sure I'm handling the breakup so well with Capital City Guy because I have this beautiful distraction. I'm, like, pretty damn convinced that some higher power arranged this. And just like how on Friday I was OVERCOME with the need to ask Cute Emo Boy out, when the thought had never occurred to me before... yeah. I'm pretty sure that was the Gods all like "Here's a new one for ya. Enjoy."

The Male is coming to visit in a couple weeks. He won't flat out come out and say it, but I think he's pretty stoked about the breakup. Haha. Oh, he's a great guy but... I dunno. It's just too bad he lives so damn far away. He's gonna be staying at Capital City Guy's place when he's here, which should be interesting for just about everyone. I just don't see that going well, for whatever reason. His apartment is just so small, he is INSANE about having lots of time to himself... IIIII dunno if he should have been so eager to offer hospitality to the Male. I can definitely see them getting into a fight at some point.

HAVE I MENTIONED THAT CUTE EMO BOY IS FUCKIN' HOT?!?! Okay, just wanted to make sure. *sigh* Crushin' is fun. I had forgotten.

Okay, time for me to attempt bed again.

2009-06-09 at 11:54 p.m.