It's Like The Earth Got Hurled Into The Sun Or Something...

Bah, I'm awake too early.

So it was FRICKIN HOT yesterday but I'm impressed with how much it has cooled down in here overnight. It's actually almost cold in here now. I put on a sweater when I got up. And it wasn't, like, unbareable in here yesterday... just a little too warm. I went over to Capital City Guy's place, though, and that was pretty unbareable. His apartment literally turns into a sauna during the summer. Needless to say, I decided not to spend the night.

One of the reasons why I decided to hang out with him for a bit last night was... yeah, I'm still debating whether or not to end it with him. It's tough, man! Cuz as incompatable as we are, we have an interesting dynamic and we play off of eachother well. We have fun. And he's friggin' cute, after all this time I'm still floored at how adorable he is. And he just keeps getting cuter. It definitely helped that he's put on weight and stopped wearing glasses. He is so damn cute now.

Oh, I dunno, I dunno. I've been talking to the Male about my dilemma... most women wouldn't talk to their boyfriend's best friend about such a thing, but the Male is cool enough that I know that both Capital City Guy and I can talk to him about the other one and he'll never say a word. I have no doubt in my mind that Capital City Guy has gone off about me to him, but the Male will never tell and that's why he's awesome. He also summed us up so well... he said that Capital City Guy and I have great chemistry in a lot of ways, but at the same time both of us blow everything the other says out of proportion and takes it all the wrong ways and are just incompatiable in a lot of ways that are important in a long term relationship. And he'll be supportive whether we stay together or not. I freakin' love the Male, like seriously... I am borderline in love with him. Which also makes my relationship with Capital City Guy hard. But the Male is just damn near perfect, he's so intune with what's going on, easy to talk to, quite dark in personality... and we're on the same anti-depressants, which I just think is amusing. We can talk about our drugs and the effects on us.

Anyways, my special assignment thing is OVER. Except I'll probably have to go back there today because I didn't turn in my security pass thing cuz the office was closed when I left yesterday. Boo-urns. I'll go after work... take a long walk in the SCORCHING SUN. But it's not so far that taking the bus makes any kind of sense whatsoever, so... yeah. But yeah, back to the regular job today. That's mostly a good thing. I mean this temp job has been A LOT more 'lax and my co-worker and I have talked a lot and gotten to know eachother... something that's damn near impossible to do at our regular job. But it was also a gong show and I wasn't at all impressed with the complete lack of planning that this company did in preparation for us coming and doing this STUPID job for them. Ugh, it just wasn't well run. So, back to normal today... I have a feeling my supervisor will collapse at my feet in gratitude for my return. Everytime I had to go into the office while I was away, to pick up paycheques or drop off time sheets or whatever, she was kind of sad all like "I hope you come back soon." It's nice to feel wanted. But also I saw the stacks of work and the pile of newbies and I think she's just starting to get stressed out. Holy crap, so many new fish... I wonder how many of them will last. New fish at work, as I've said before, have a very high mortality rate.

Anyways, I'm gonna try to get more sleep. Laterz.

2009-06-04 at 5:14 a.m.