I Would Have Married Saturday, If I Could

I guess I should write about my weekend. Yeah, Saturday was FRICKIN' long, just as I expected, but it was GREAT! I am a wild party. I had a few hours to kill between getting to Cracktown and the wedding so while I was downtown I decided to go to the casino, put 20 bucks in a slot machine, and leave either when the 20 runs out, or I win a couple bucks. And my 20 bucks, after being decreased to 10, suddenly got increased to 60 so I was like "Okay, I'm leaving!" cuz I figured my luck wouldn't get any better than that. So I considered that to be an epic win, since I'm not much of a high roller. And I decided with some of my winnings to buy a new bag... I had to cart all of my shit for overnight and the next day with me all of that day and the backpack I had with me was old and ugly and falling apart, and I had to take that shit with me to a wedding. So I bought a new bag to carry my stuff around in... basically just looks like an oversize purse and it has kind of a cool design, and I felt much less self-conscious about it.

Then the wedding. It was a very beautiful, traditional church wedding. The Little Chickita looked great, I really liked her dress... again, very traditional and very elegant. And I'm turning into such a girl in my old age... I had to fight back the tears. I always thought people who cried at weddings were incredibly lame, but now I really understand how you can be just overcome with emotion at such an event. Then after the wedding, I was walking to the bus stop to go to the Good Mall to waste a few hours before the reception and I just kinda had a mini meltdown, all like "THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN TO ME!!!" but it only lasted maaaaybe 30 seconds, then I was okay again.

Then at the Good Mall, because this occasionally happens to me there since I worked there for so long, I heard my name shouted off in the distance and saw a figure quickly heading towards me... a former co-worker. She was all excited to run into me. So we chatted for a bit, it was all good.

Then the reception was kinda... well, I don't even know. The food was great and there was lots of it. I, of course, ended up at a table with complete strangers, since I don't know any of the Little Chickita's friends. And I didn't even stay at the reception for all that long, but my entire table still left before me, leaving me sitting there alone during the toasts/speeches which I didn't want to just leave in the middle of, because I thought that would be tacky. So I felt stupid, but I stayed. And the speeches were all very moving, and I had to fight back tears AGAIN. Yeesh.

After that, my plan was to go to a pub in my old neighbourhood to waste some time and have a few drinks, since it was a dry reception and I DESPERATELY needed a draaaaaank after that emotional rollercoaster of a day. Also I needed to waste time until the people I was staying with were going to be home. I was going to walk to the pub, which would have been a bit of a hike, but as I was walking down the street this older couple who were also at the reception stopped and asked me if I wanted a lift. And I decided to take them up on it, since my feet were killing me. I didn't want to tell them to drop me off at the bar, though, since, again... that would be tacky... so I asked them to drop me off at the Not So Good Mall, my old neighbourhood's mall. I decided to wander into the drug store there, where a former co-worker of mine now works in the cosmetics department. So she gave me a bunch of free samples, it was pretty sweet.

Then after that I wandered to the bar and... good times, man. It attracts a considerably older crowd... I was the youngest in there by about 30 years, I think. I barely sat down before some older guy was asking me to join his table of friends. So I decided to take him up on that, and they bought me beer and this 68 year old man kept hardcore hitting on me, but he was so cute and sweet and he was clearly just having some fun, so it was all good. Then Name That Tune started and we were all playing... it was just good times.

And yeah. I decided I really didn't want to get drunk so I left after a few beers and just went for a walk until my hosts were back in town, then my eventful day soon drew to a close. It was so much fun, way better than I thought it would turn out... damn near perfect too, I gotta say. So the moral of this story is Emu knows how to have one hell of a good time... by herself... doing things that probably no one else would consider to be all that fun... but she does.

And on the Capital City Guy front... on Saturday I was pretty convinced I was going to dump him, especially after some of the text messages we exchanged. But now... I dunno. I'm going to make an active attempt not to spend so much time with him... but I won't toss him completely just yet. We'll see what the next little while brings.

2009-06-01 at 6:39 p.m.