I Need To Find My Own Little Island Somewhere...

So I did infact end up going to Nutty McShitville with Capital City Guy this weekend. It was, overall, quite the failure. He had this trail he wanted to go hiking on that he apparently went on as a kid... BUT he had no fuckin' idea where it was. First of all we ended up in ENTIRELY the wrong area and almost ran out of gas. But he finally decided to turn around and go back into town to get gas. Then as I was sitting in the car at the gas station scowling, I spotted a sign for the place he was wanting to go. I pointed it out to him, he was kinda like "Oh." and we tried to find it again. And we did... except it wasn't at all like he remembered, and it was basically a whole lot of nothing. So eventually I got him to accept defeat and we went to my parents house.

And, yeah, I still don't really know how my parents feel about him. Part of me is curious, but another part of me thinks ignorance is bliss because I have a feeling they aren't exactly huge fans. First of all, we're a fairly quiet family whereas he talks and talks and talks and talks and rarely even knows what he's talking about but yet he still keeps talking. And he's just really awkward (in a completely different way than I am awkward) and I just don't think they ever expected me to end up with someone like him. So I'm not really huge on bringing him to my parents' place. And he seems to have taken offense to the fact that they've never asked him any questions about himself. I just told him that's probably because I've already told them everything about him. But it's also probably because they don't really care.

Whereas his family... yesterday we went to Cracktown because his mother was having a HUGE "dinner" thing. Apparently this is an English thing, to call lunch "dinner". I kept calling it lunch, to spite him. Dinner is in the evening. It's when what is usually called "supper" is fancier than normal. ANWYAYS... so many goddamn people, all of whom called me several different names that are close to mine, but not quite correct. It was very loud, they're all very yappy people. And at one point his mom came over and BOMBARDED me with questions about my life... apparently this is what Capital City Guy expects my parents to do with him. I don't know why he'd want to be tortured in this way. And I've been having issues with allergies to begin with, then add being in a room with a dog for 5 hours to that and by the end I couldn't breathe through my nose at all and my throat was starting to close up. If we had been much longer I would have started clawing at Capital City Guy, PLEADING with him to take me away.

Anyways, despite Capital City Guy being overall much more socialable than I, he also really hates large groups and the whole afternoon with craploads of extended family made him want to drink heavily. So I agreed to spend the evening with him... after we got back into the city we came by my place so I could grab my gin, then he went to go buy beer, and we had some drinks while doing our own thing. I went to bed around midnight and was woken up a few hours later by him drunkenly flipping out at his computer. Apparently his mouse button wasn't working right so he ripped the mouse from its cord and threw it across the room. Which really accomplished a whole lot.

Then this morning I was sitting around his place doing not much, since I couldn't even go on the computer because of its lack of mouse. Then when he was up and finished getting ready, he figured I'd be joining him for lunch and going to buy a new mouse and I was just like "Dude, I want to go home." Like when he's not all Greta Garbo "I vant to be alone", he wants me being his constant sidekick. You need to find a middle ground, man. I might give him a call later, since he expressed an interest in having me come back later, but I dunno. I dunno. I got called into work for tomorrow (a whopping 4 hour shift. Woo.) so I'd kinda like to just stay home tonight so I don't have to get up as early tomorrow.

And that's another thing, I think I am officially fed up with this job. I don't think I can handle this whole on-call thing anymore. It's too unreliable, too up and down. I think I'm going to seriously look for a job, and maybe consider going back to school. I might stay with this job too, though, even after finding another one... like if they need someone on a day that I have off, just for a little extra money. But I dunno. I'm pretty fed up with the bullshit of this job. And no one there is particularly friendly.

Anyways, enough of me right now. I'm gonna go check on my iced tea. First time I've ever tried making it... I'm curious to see how it turned out.

2009-05-11 at 4:13 p.m.