Nothing Is More Frustrating Than When Your Internet Doesn't Work For, Like, A Week

I've been having internet problems lately, that's my excuse for lack of updating.

So life keeps on going. Roomie is starting to ease off a bit. Capital City Guy is going all weird, though. He's been overdoing it lately, we've been spending a lot of time together the past while... literally ALL weekend except for an hour Saturday afternoon. I ended up finally going home for good at 9:30 Sunday night. We spent Monday night together too, then last night the Female of the former loveless bickering couple was having a get together so I ended up at his place again afterwards. His status on Facebook right now is that he "seriously needs sometime to himself!" And I can't help but feel that's directed at me. But it's like, asshole... you asked me to stay with you all weekend. You invited me over again Monday night. I gave you the choice last night as to whether you wanted to drop me off at my place or spend the night. You made your choices, don't make me feel like shit because of it.

So this is my first whole evening at home in a lonnnng time, and I feel like taking full advantage of it. I was originally going to go to the walk-in clinic to get my prescription renewed and then hang out at the mall while I wait to pick it up at the pharmacy, however... the store I get my prescriptions at is the same store Giggles works at and she's working tonight and... ugh, I just don't feel like running into her. And also I just don't feel like going anywhere. My internet is finally working again, I just want to sit infront of the computer and veg.

So on Saturday I helped Capital City Guy buy a new bed and a new cell phone. I'm going to be getting his old bed if we can figure out a way to get it over here. It's not worth renting a truck for. And he FINALLY jumped on the cellphone bandwagon... got himself a Blackberry Pearl, which is my DREAM phone. I thought about buying myself one as a Christmas present but since I'm in the middle of a contract right now, I couldn't get much of a deal on it and it was way too expensive. But he got his for 50 bucks and I'm all kinds of jealous, it's a sexy little machine. Pain in the FUCKING ass being with him while he was shopping for it, though. Took forever. At least with the bed shopping I could lie down while I waited for him.

Thing 1 is supposed to be coming this weekend. It's UFC this weekend, which she's not huge on, but Georges St Pierre is fighting and I can't miss it and also Giggles would be all kinds of pissed if I didn't go with her, so... yeah. I'm dragging Thing 1 along. And those two really didn't get along the last time they were together so it could be dramatic. And of course Capital City Guy wants to come along. And I originally agreed to go to UFC with Roomie but I don't want him and Capital City Guy in the same room. But Roomie hasn't mentioned UFC since then so... I dunno. If he does I might just make up some excuse about my friend being in town and I can't go, then just go to a different bar than him. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, life is complicated.

But yeah, things have settled down a fair amount with him. Last night when we were figuring out what to do about the internet problems, he almost seemed irritated that I was talking to him, which is like the ol' Roomie I knew and somewhat tolerated. So yeah, this is okay. I guess. He's not home from work yet, which is slightly odd, it's kinda late but maybe it's actually doing something. He bought a Wii last week which I promised to play with him but I haven't yet, mainly cuz I haven't been home much. But if he comes home and I hear him playing something, I'll go join him.

Anyways, enough of me. Talk to you later.

2009-01-28 at 5:21 p.m.