Under My Umbrella Ella Ella Eh Eh Eh...

So I sent Giggles a "We need to talk" text message yesterday after I got home from work and she immediately called me DRUNK (keeping in mind that this was 3:30 in the afternoon...) all weepy like "Whatttttt? Whyyyyy? Oh, this makes me sadddddddd." I tried to be as tactful as possible, saying things like "I know you've been having problems with money, missing work a lot and often being late the days you do go... and these are all warning signs that something is wrong..." Don't I sound professional? I managed to refrain from screaming "FUCKING CRACKHEAD!!!!" into the phone, so go me. I didn't tell her who told me she was doing drugs, even though she can probably figure that out because our mutual friends in this city are limited... but she's denying it. Her only confession was "I know I drink a lot." I found her choice of words there somewhat troublesome, though. I mean, someone like me drinks "a lot". She, however, drinks "TOO MUCH". But I guess this is a step in the right direction?

I also tried to explain about us not having as much to do with eachother, by saying "You know, I'm really changing a lot as a person..." Which is true, I pretty much have daily epiphanies lately and I just feel so content and like I'm finally starting to get myself and life... then she busts in with "Well I'm changing as a person too, I have a boyfriend now! And he's so great and I love him!" Proving even more just how we're going in different directions here. I feel so much more powerful alone. It's like it was everyone else who was bringing me down. I mean, I'm still going to be friends with her, I'm still going to be friends with Capital City Guy, I'm still going to be social but... from now on, I depend on no one but myself. I feel so good about this, I cannot even begin to tell you.

Speaking of which, I gotta head out in a bit to meet up with a friend who's passing through town who I haven't seen it, like, fo-evah... out into the rain with no umbrella. My umbrella went and bustificated itself yesterday. I very stupidly decided to walk to a relatively far away mall yesterday in the wind and rain and the umbrella blew inside out, no word of a lie, about 20 times... ended up ripping in a couple places and the metal is all bent now. So it's in the trash. I may have another umbrella somewhere, or I may just have to brave it alone. But yeah it was NOT PRETTY out there last night.

I'm very tired, though, I continue to only sleep about 5 or 6 hours a night which is just not enough. And naps seem to be impossible, I've tried every afternoon this week to no avail. I don't understand.

Both little bottles of vodka are gone now. The Ruby Red was considerably better than the Raspberry. I still have, like, half a litre of Club Soda in the fridge and you can't drink that shit straight, so I might pick up another little bottle of something. The little bottles are so friggin' cute anyway.

Yep, time to get ready to go out there. Imma gonna take a look to see if I have a spare umbrella.

2009-01-07 at 4:45 p.m.