It Was Hotel Rwanda, By The Way. I Wept.

Heyyy. My life blows. So I've just started Operation: Disassociate Myself From Capital City Guy. It'll probably be a complete and utter failure, but I'm gonna try. I spent last night with him... the thing was I ended up going back to bed yesterday about a half hour after I got up, and sleeping until about 4:00. And I wanted to go for a walk very badly, but I prefer not to aimlessly wander alone after dark (but for some reason it's different if I actually have a destination, then it doesn't bother me) so I called him and asked if he wanted to go for a walk with me. And he said yes, but he made me feel like I was inconveniencing him greatly. So we went for a short walk, but I wasn't feeling too well and the weather was kind of shitty and I was fully planning on going home but then he was like "Come back to my place and lay down, we can rent a movie." So I'm like *shrug*.

So we go back there and he pretty much ignores me all evening then later on when we were talking and I said something about how I'm going to try and meet some new people, he blurted out with "Yeah, I think you need to make some friends that aren't me." GREATLY implying that he's my only friend and that I'm smothering him and all this stuff. When really, he asks me to do stuff with him more often than I ask him to do stuff with me. So who's smothering who? So I did not appreciate any of that and yeah, I'm going to back off a lot. Either to teach him a lesson, make him miss me, or give me more time to find something better.

I do have a decent number of friends in Capital City, DESPITE what Capital City Guy seems to think... I just don't like many of them lately. Like Giggles. Aw man, she texted me this evening all like "Call me as soon as you can, it's very important!" So I call her and... it wasn't very important at all. She was drunk as fuck and complaining that her boyfriend was threatening to dump her unless she douches. Which, by the way, gets my vote as the dumbest thing I've heard ever. So she was all "I don't know how to do that? Can you tell me how to do that? I don't know how to do that and I don't want him to dump me because I lovvvvve himmmmmmmmmm!" I just... I have nothing to say anymore. Nothing. I can't deal with her. Then she started bitching about how our friendship has fallen apart since us moving here and it's 99% my fault because I'm distancing myself from her and it's like... can you fuckin' blame me?! There's no talking to her when she's wasted, though, so I agreed to hang out with her after I'm off work tomorrow, THEN I'm going to try and seriously talk to her about some things. However, I may have to have a bit of liquid courage myself before I can do that...

I can't sleep at all anymore. Well, I mean, the past little while I've been sleeping A LOT but last night I barely slept at all, too much on my mind and all that, so tonight I should have been passed out at about 7, but no. I just laid in bed for an hour before I realized that sleep was not going to be possible right now. So I'm probably beyond tired to the point where sleep is no longer possible. Yay me.

I bought a couple mini bottles of vodka this evening, cuz I collect the mini alcohol bottles and I wanted to add to my collection... not real thrilled on drinking them cuz I'm not a big vodka fan, but I bought some club soda and had that with a double shot of some Absolut Raspberri and... frig, the club soda OVERWHELMED the vodka. I did not approve. I was like "There's a double shot in here, I should at least feel some burning..." But no. Oh well. I just bought it for the bottle anyway.

Bah. Enough of me.

2009-01-05 at 10:10 p.m.