Sometimes... It's Just... Fuck My Life, Man

Wanna hear about my day? Of course you do. So I was home on my lunch break... went to the bathroom... and not only does that stupid broken down toilet get clogged when we don't own a plunger, it overflows all over the place. Fun! So I ran out to buy a plunger, came home, cleaned up water, plunged, flushed, cleaned up more water when it overflowed again, plunged, flushed... finally success came after all that but holy frickin god, I could have done without all that. I had to take an extra long lunch break today because I knew I couldn't go back with a clogged toilet hanging over my head... I'd never be able to concentrate on my work. But luckily we're allowed to take a longer lunch break if we make up the extra time at the end of the day. So... all's well that ends well.

I ended up calling my parents after the toilet overflowed the second time, because I was just so distraut by the whole situation. My dad said I was doing everything right, though, and to just try it again. And also I was using a sink plunger... I was in such a rush that I just grabbed the first plunger I saw without really looking at it. My dad said that sink plungers don't work as well, and it clearly didn't, but at least it eventually got the job done.

And now I'm waiting on Mr Anti-Social to decide if he wants to see me tonight. You know what his problem is? And if we actually do get together tonight and I get a few beers in me, I'm going to tell him this. He burns himself out. He never just hangs out with one friend, unless it's me. He always DROWNS himself in friends, inviting everyone he knows to every single thing and it wears him down to the point where he has to isolate himself for days at a time. And that's not good. If he's feeling anti-social to the point that he can't even seem to tolerate the thought of being in the same room as me. I mean, maybe I'm a little silly here but I don't really consider hanging out with just him as being socializing. At all. So it's a little offensive that he considers having just me over as a social event that he can't handle. Plus his job has an impact on this as well, since he talks to people all day. So talking to people all day every day at work plus over doing the whole friend thing equals a very unhealthy situation for a person like him.

He has plans for Saturday and Sunday with friends that I'm invited too but I really just don't even want to go there. I might just opt out of at least one. Partly as a statement, partly because I can't stand the way he tries too damn hard around his friends... and also just so that maybe HE'LL be the one calling ME wanting to do something and I can FINALLY be the one who says no.

Giggles is moving here the beginning of next month. I can't remember if I've mentioned this. It was originally going to be September or October, but now it's August because she's super fed up and needs to get away. So she's moving into her boyfriend's parents house until they find their own place. So I'll be spending more time with her, even though she'll be living in the suck ass suburbs, and Capital City Guy can be the one whining that I'm never around when he wants me to be.

Fuck, I don't even want to see him anymore tonight after the phone conversation we just had. It's just that I wanna drink, and I don't wanna drink alone. But, you know... it may just be the better option.

2008-07-25 at 6:01 p.m.