Gah Meh Gah Frig Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Holy crappin' hell goddamn, I'm tired. I almost left work 2 hours early this afternoon because I was just like so dead. So tired, I couldn't even function anymore, kept making mistakes and was basically just passed out on the desk. But somehow I managed to pull through. Baaaaarely.

So I'm waiting around for my mom to come on MSN so I can talk to her. Then I'm gonna take a nap, have something to eat, then head off downtown as my evening exercise. I got paid today, so I gotta go to the bank to deposit my cheque. I kept forgetting to bring a void cheque to work so I could get direct deposit, but then today I realized it's actually better this way because it motivates me to get out. If I want money in my bank account, which I certainly do... gotta drag my ass out. It's really a good motivator. Money motivates me like nothing else can.

I briefly saw Capital City Guy last night. I wanted to leave him alone because I KNOW HIM AND HIS PATTERNS but when I went to the mall I found something that had his name written all over it, so I had to buy it for him. A couple of stress balls that look like boobs. Just a little while ago he was saying that he wished he had some because they would relax him while being exciting and fun. Then there they were, just staring me in the face. And I just couldn't wait to give them to him, so I called him and asked if I could come over for a bit. And he said EXACTLY what I expected him to say "Well... I was hoping to spend the evening alone. I'm feeling very anti-social today." But when I said I had a present I really wanted to give him, he gave in. I felt shitty for bugging him, though, so I didn't stay long. But he loved the present. So that's good.

He also pointed out how extremely emo I looked. And it's true, I was pretty much the emo posterchild yesterday without even trying. Actually, I am today too cuz I'm wearing pretty much the same thing. The only thing that's wrong is my hair isn't black. Other than that... full blown emo emu. What's come over me anyway? Although, I gotta say... I kinda like the effect.

I'm so tired I want to die. I don't even know if I'll be able to stay awake long enough to chat with my mom.

2008-07-24 at 4:27 p.m.