Stupid 25 Hour A Week, Relatively Low Paying Job... Not Worth This

Oh shit, I guess I should write in here.

Yeah, incase you didn't figure it out, my absence from writing was because I did indeed go to Nutty McShitville. Left Friday night and came back last night. I ended up calling that place I interviewed at at about 4 Friday afternoon cuz I'd never heard from them... but the person I needed to talk to had just stepped out, and I was told she'd call me back in half an hour. Two hours pass by, and by this time I'm absolutely livid, and I'm walking to the bus depot when I FINALLY get the call. The outcome? Won't know til Tuesday. Meaning today. And, um... yeah, it's just after 4 in the afternoon... no word... fuck this.

Anyways, about my trip... it was fun, I'm glad I went. It helped get my mind of some things (like, wondering about this job, mostly) for a while. Giggles, our other friend from work who has no nickname, and I went out to the bar Saturday night. And Prince Albert showed up and surprised me, after me sending him countless text messages saying "You should come out!" and him going "No, I don't want to." So that was nice, I really wanted to see him again. And when us three girls were leaving to go to another bar, and he was leaving to go home... I kissed him. No tongues or anything, but it was on the lips... which left me consumed with doubt for the rest of the evening as to whether I should have done that. Probably inappropriate given my situation, but not overly horrible bad horrible. I probably won't go to hell.

Then when I came home last night I spent the evening with Capital City Guy. He is so GODDAMN SWEET sometimes that I just want to latch onto him and never let him go. We didn't even have sex last night, we just cuddled and hugged and kissed and talked a lot. He is so amazing. So so so amazing sometimes. But then I ended up leaving at around 2:30 because I am turning into a raging insomniac. Also, my throat has been KILLING me the past few days, and I'm kinda stuffed up too... making sleep that much more difficult. But I'll see him tonight, we're going out to the cheap movie with his two friends again... the semi-goth he banged a few years ago and her much younger boyfriend. And Capital City Guy doesn't work tomorrow and he said something about wanting to maybe get drunk tonight, but his dad is supposed to be coming down to visit him tomorrow morning from Cracktown and he doesn't want to be hungover for that. And he was all like "But hopefully you'll be able to meet my dad." Oh joy. Me meeting his mom, then him meeting my dad has just been progressively more awkward... but then I suppose this couldn't possibly be any worse. Could be interesting.

Fuck, my head hurts. Sleep deprivation, and this stupid cold or whatever it is, I suppose. Or maybe the weather's changing, that affects my head too. Ugh, I need drugs. And I need to go out and buy some throat numbing stuff because seriously... ow. It hurts.

2008-06-24 at 4:05 p.m.