Things And Stuff And Random And My Eyeball Is Itchy

Okay, I'm finished laughing now. After my entry this morning I found out that a couple of people have been withholding this information from me!!! Or they forgot to tell me, whatevs. I could have been laughing about this a week ago! Oh well. The important thing is, I found out eventually. And I laughed a hearty laugh.

And apparently, yeah, he sticks out like a sore thumb in that place. Haaaaaaa!

Anyhoos... today was okay. Except for when I was on the computer this afternoon and, out of nowhere, burst out crying, and went and threw myself on my bed, sobbing heavily. I can't even remember what brought that on now.

Thing 1, who is now a province away, is slowly getting into Facebook... and I discovered that goddamn Squinty added her as a friend. Ugh. Well, like, a little while ago when I was talking to him on MSN, one of the first things he said to me was "How come your friend isn't on Facebook?" He seemed quite upset about this. And, yeah, now she's barely on Facebook for a day and he's all with the friend request. I'm not sure how to feel about that.

Oh, and that book I'm reading that I said briefly mentioned a character with Squinty's first and last name... the character came back into the book later on, only to be killed in a horrible and graphic manner. I wrote on Squinty's wall on Facebook telling him this. It was incredibly random, yet awesome, of me to do so.

You know, last time I talked to Squinty a couple weeks ago, last thing he said to me was that he'd give anything to be able to touch me again. And then... absolutely nothing from him. Whyyyy do I put uppppp with this mannnnnn...?

So apparently Four Night Stand Guy got the shit kicked out of him a couple nights ago. He was apparently swarmed by a pack of guys. Because if it was just one or two guys, I know he could have taken them. The arms on that man, I tells ya. The arms. Anyways... yeah, so he's not doing too good, but it could have been a lot worse. I guess he just has some road rash and bruises and cuts and that sort of thing. We were sending eachother messages on Facebook because apparently, during this fight, he lost his cellphone. Now... this concerns me. Lost? Or was it stolen? I'm hoping it was lost, like it ended up falling into a creek or vapourizing or something because... well, there may or may not be a nude picture of me on there. And I don't need that shit showing up on the internet. And, yeah, that's immediately where my mind went when he told me that. Well that and the fact that this guy has the worst luck with cellphones... the day I met him, his had just been crushed by an excavator. Took him, like, a month and a half to get a new one and then it goes and gets vapourized. And I sincerely hope it was vapourized.

Yeah, it was vapourized. Pretty sure.

Anyways... busy day ahead of me tomorrow. Maybe. Well... I'm hoping to hit up the Semi-Good Mall again with some resumes... hopefully I won't freak out this time. And, uh... yeah, hopefully something will come out of it so that I can just, you know, avoid the whole Good Mall thing again. We'll see, we'll see. And, um... I may or may not be meeting up with the Fireman again. And I may just have to pretend that thing I said a couple entries ago about giving up sex was just never written by me. But, again... we'll see, we'll see.

2007-10-29 at 9:57 p.m.