Never Happened... No Proof... Never Happened...

So Emu is, first of all, never going to drink again. For reals. And secondly, she's not going to have sex again for a while. For reals.

Whaaaaat aaaaaaa niiiiiiiight.

Okay, so it was supposed to be Thing 1's big going away party. And you know who all showed up? Me. Just me. So she was depressed as hell about that. I felt pretty bad too. And I was making the drinks... vodka and Diet Coke, it's her thing... and, like... I really need a shot glass if I'm doing that, I'm no good at eyeballing it. Like, I was making myself a drink and Thing 1 was like "Okay, you just put about 3 shots worth of vodka in there." I really had no idea. And, um... 3 shots of vodka in at least 4 drinks (possibly more... I only remember 4, though) and... Emu was waaaaaaasted.

Thing 1 decided that since no one showed up to her party that she wanted to go out. Except sometime between when she decided that and us leaving her house, those plans changed to us going over to this guy's house... the guy we met at the bar a week and a half ago. She went out with him a few days ago, apparently had amazing sex, and decided it would be really great to do that again.

I was so out of it. So so out of it. I really don't remember anything about being there until the part where I was woken up by Thing 1 yelling at me. And I was in bed with this guy's roommate. Or brother. Or I don't know what the hell he was. And... yeah. Slowly a few details starting coming back... I had sex with the guy... all I remember, though, is it being extremely painful because I reeeeeeeeally had to pee. And I think I stopped him about part of the way through so that I could go to the bathroom. Pretty sure I almost died on the way to the bathroom as well. Then I think I came back to bed and pretty much immediately passed out.

I don't ever want to get that drunk again. Seriously. This could have been a whole lot worse of a situation. Although it was pretty bad as it was.

My phone tells me that I had a 13 minute long conversation with Four Night Stand Guy at one point during the evening. I'll be damned if I remember this at all. However, there was a text message from him from later on saying "Did you still want a threesome?" so I can just imagine the crap I was saying to him.

So Thing 1 and I went back to her place and I spent the night there. I left at about noon... it was sad. I'm not going to see her again for a while. I hope to go visit her in maybe February or something, if I can afford to. I'm so sad she's leaving. I'm going to miss her so much. However, that being said, it'll be a lot easier for me to lay off the drinking with her not around. And the same goes for her, with me not around. We are bad influences on eachother.

Oh, and while I was at Thing 1's place, I put some of those pictures she took last weekend on Facebook. I thought they were pretty fabulous at 5 this morning when I was doing this and still pretty drunk, however I was just looking at them now and... egads, man. I look HIDEOUS. You know, foundation and flash photography are just not good friends. Makes me look like I have a serious problem with me not having any colour whatsoever in my face. And I just look flatout PLASTERED in most of the pictures. There's a really really great one of the two of us, though. It's my profile picture now. And a hilarious one of us and Curly Sue. Good times, good times.

Anyways, right now a shower sounds like a FABULOUS idea. Wash away my shame. I am so embarassed about last night. I seriously am ashamed. But, you know... life goes on. I will overcome. We can pretend that didn't happen.

2007-10-28 at 12:49 p.m.