I'm Sure It's My Fault

Fuck, I'm in a bad mood right now.

So Texty called me at, like, 3:00 this morning obviously drunk off his ass. I usually turn the ringer off on my phone so that asshole things like this don't wake me up, but because I was still texting back and forth with Three Night Stand Guy right up until I fell asleep, I didn't do that last night. Anyways, so I had about an hour and a half to two hour conversation with Texty that was just not good all over the place. I don't really want to talk about what went on. But I made him cry. Then he made me cry. And it was just not good.

Although I'm supposedly still babysitting for him this week. He said he'd pay me $100 a day... I don't know if he really will, that seems like an awful lot and he was drunk when he said it. But... whatever. So SUPPOSEDLY he's going to pick me up tomorrow when his sister is dropping him back off at his place, and I'm going to spend the night there. I'm not exactly looking forward to this. But, you know, I think I have at least a couple people I can call to come pick me up incase I really need to just get out of there.

But, yeah, our conversation was not good. Extremely emotional. Extremely like we are already in a relationship, even though we're not. And it upset me a lot. And after I got off the phone with him, I couldn't get back to sleep so I went on the computer for a while... updated my status on Facebook to reflect my level of upset-ness. But then... aw, this was nice. At about quarter to 8 this morning, I got a text from Three Night Stand Guy: "What's wrong? Why are you upset?" And he was all being really sweet and stuff, just all like "I wanted to make sure you were okay, I was worried." It made me happy.

That guy who had sex with Thing 1 on my loveseat earlier this week, called me today out of the blue. "What are you doing tonight?" Rannnnnnndom. I was all "Um... I dunno... I haven't decided yet." So he was like "Can I call you back later then to see what you're up to?" "Um... okay..." I don't particularly want anything to do with the guy. Even when I was drunk as fuck, I thought he was pretty obnoxious. So I'd probably find him to be beyond obnoxious when I'm sober. But in a way, this is almost like a personal victory for me... the opposite of what's been happening lately. A guy who likes Thing 1, meets me... starts talking to me instead. GREAT SUCCESS! Except ew. He's unappealing.

But yeah, I'm just generally in a really bad, bitchy mood today and I think it would be wise for me to not associate with anyone for a while.

2007-10-13 at 3:55 p.m.