I Don't Ask For Much, You Know. I Really Don't.

I can't stop eating these little cookies. They are just too good.

Anyways... so Thing 2's ex-boyfriend added me on MSN last night and we started chatting... he was trying to convince me to come over to his new place. He was all like "I just haven't talked to you in a while, it would be nice to catch up." Yeeeeeeah. And he's all like "I want to be friends with you", but that was after he said all that about really liking me. And then he was like "If you come over tonight, you won't have as far to go to work in the morning." So, we're just hanging out as friends, but I'd be spending the night there? The guy is kind of a slime ball. But, I'm not gonna lie to you... I've kind of had, like, a mini-crush on him since I met him. And I seriously almost went over there. But then I didn't. And then I said I'd call him today after work and... well, I haven't done that either.

Oh, the internal conflict I'm facing. Because, you know, Thing 2... she'd flip out. They were together for 3 years. Him feeling me up that one time was the start of the breakup of their relationship. It would look baaad if me and him got involved with eachother in any way, even if it was just as friends. And it's hard to be just friends with someone when there's a physical attraction there.

But then there was the whole Bam thing and... well, maybe I'm just meant to share guys with this woman. I don't know.

Anyways... my day was brutal. The walk to work was nice, but work itself sucked. A co-worker almost made me cry today. The atmosphere in that place... brutal, I tell ya. The noobs are definitely looked down upon. The people who have been there for a while have this outrageous holier than thou attitude and... well, then they wonder why they've had such a problem lately keeping new employees. I think I know why. I was asked if I wanted to leave half an hour early, though, and I jumped at that opportunity. So I went to the Creepy Mall, because I had almost an hour to kill until the next bus, and I went and saw a former co-worker of mine who now works there and she gave me a bunch of free samples. So that was pretty cool. And... yeah.

Someone needs to take those little cookies away from me.

Anyways... fuck the world, and all that. At least tomorrow is my Friday. I work an evening shift, and afterwards I'm gonna hit up the bar for a little bit. Might meet up with Thing 1 and a friend of hers who were also planning on going out. Then I'm hopefully just gonna catch the last bus home, unless I get extremely carried away. But here's hoping I won't. I don't particularly want to. I just want to go to the bar and sit there looking pretty, hoping someone will buy me a drink. Because that's how I roll.

2007-09-09 at 6:31 p.m.