I Rule

Celebrate 4:20.

Anyways... so Texty and I talked on the phone for about an hour and a half last night. He came across as considerably less crazy talking to him on the phone as he has in all of his text messages but... oh, I just don't know. The guy strikes me as just being incredibly lonely. So... yeah.

What's with all these overly chatty guys, though? Why does every guy who shows an interest in me have to be really really talkative? I mean, I can hold my own in a conversation but I'm very far from being talkative and people who are, if I'm exposed to them for any amount of time, tend to start to annoy me. Like... they just keep talking and talking and talking, but yet they're not saying anything. There's a part of my brain that just really has issues in trying to figure out how people can be like that.

The guy sounds like he's friggin' loaded, though. He's talking about buying a car while he waits for the two vehicles he owns to be fixed. And, like... the guy's a carpenter. Trades are where the big bucks are. Cha-ching.

I'm sorry, but my mother has been telling me my whole life to find a rich man so, yes, I'm petty enough to consider things like that to be quite important.

I just ate sushi. Well... California rolls. Which is, like, sushi for pussies I guess. When I was in the Big City a couple weekends ago, Squinty convinced me to try it. I'd never had sushi at all before that. Sheltered life I've lived, I know. But, actually... it's probably because of the lack of actual raw fish involved with the California rolls, but I found them to be quite tasty. So I bought myself some after work. Enjoyable.

I got paid today and... considering I only worked 20 hours that one week, that's a mighty fine paycheque. Better than a lot of them I got at my old job. I'm pleased.

Wow, I'm tired. But I hope I get a second wind because I really need to clean up my apartment and get some exercise. I consider both of those to be extremely crucial. Except I have a feeling I'm probably gonna be passed out by about 6:00. Because that's how I roll.

2007-09-07 at 4:20 p.m.