If You're Reading This, I Actually Got My Shit Together Long Enough To Click That "Done!" Button

So it turns out I'm an idiot. I thought I was supposed to be working 8:30 to 3 today... at work we have the schedule that gets posted in advance so we know when we're supposed to be working, and this other schedule that's posted everyday with who's working what and where and what their breaks are and stuff. So I was looking at that schedule today and it said 8:30-5 and I went up to management and said "What?! I'm only supposed to be here until 3!" and they were like "Oh, okay. Sorry. You can go at 3." They've done that before, had the wrong shift on the daily schedule. But then I looked at the main schedule later on my break and... yeah. I was scheduled til 5. What an idiot I am.

You better believe I left at 3, though, despite that. I had to go see my new buddy there. Well that and I was also so pissed off that I really couldn't stand to be at work any longer. Much like yesterday, it was one of those days where if it weren't for the fact that I'm on drugs to prevent such reactions, I would have burst out crying several times. I hate management. Unofficially looking for another job again.

Anyways, yeah, after work I went and saw that guy where he works... we talked for about half an hour, then some bigwigs came in so I left... and now we've been chatting on MSN for the past couple hours. He's still at work. I wish I could just chat on MSN while I was at work, that would be pretty sweet. I mean, sometimes there's long breaks inbetween messages from him because he has customers, but... yeah. And he wants me to go to a bar with him and some of his friends tonight, and I'm debating whether or not I want to. I'm so tired.

He's a really sweet and nice goddamn guy if I've ever met one, though. For reals.

Haha, me outloud to myself just now... "What, I haven't saved this entry yet? Shit, I'm dumb." I'm just a little caught up with my MSN convos here... and he's almost got me convinced to come out with him tonight, despite the fact that I'm dying of fatigue. What a guy.

Anyways, I'm definitely saving this damn entry now so that I can move on.

2007-04-19 at 7:15 p.m.