And My Eyes Are Burning

So I found out how much my raise was today. 27 cents an hour. I was expecting a quarter, so I was off by two cents. But isn't 27 kind of a bizarre number? But Former Possible Roommate got a 27 cent raise too. It must be the company's lucky number or something.

At one point or another, I've wanted to set every member of management on fire but this one manager in particular... man, she pisses me off. And I almost came unglued today when she was talking to me. Just... ugh. DIE DIE DIE. I love how she was going on about this thing I should do, explaining it to me like I was some kind of child, and I was just like "Um... I did that already." Because I had. BECAUSE I AM ON TOP OF THINGS. Unlike them.

So I saw that guy today after work. I walked by where he works and waved, but he looked kind of busy so I just kept going. But then a little while ago on MSN he was giving me hell for not stopping to chat, and he was all like "I was waiting for you to come back." Awww. Smitten. Then he said I was beautiful. Smitten some more.

Thing 1, who is slowly turning into a carbon copy of Avril Lavigne, is going to be celebrating her 19th birthday this weekend. Good times all around, except for the fact that I reckon Thing 2 is going to be there and... yeah, she definitely still hates me. And her asshole boyfriend will likely be there too. So, yeah, I dunno how long I'm going to hang around that little party.

I had a short early shift today, and I was in kind of a weird mood because of that damn manager who just steams my clams all over the place, so I went out and spent money. I bought the latest Finger Eleven CD, and incense. Oh, and toilet cleaning things, but that was something I was planning on buying anyway. Because I'm not one of those "I'm angry! I need to clean my toilet to feel better!" kind of people. However, burning incense and listening to a little F11 is more what I consider to be a good release. Although that incense wasn't particularly incense-y and the CD wasn't fantastically good... although Paralyzer so so gets my vote as probably the catchiest Finger Eleven song ever. That's good shit.

I'm almost tempted to do that "search your diary for specific terms" thing on here when you go to edit an entry, and see just how many times I've used the term "all over the place". Things are always "all over the place" with me, have you noticed that? You know something else I say a lot, although I'm not sure if I've ever said it in here? "I hear that." My god, I wish I could stop saying that. Whenever someone says something I agree with or empathize with... "I hear that." I hate myself. I need some fresh material.

I traded shifts with Former Possible Roommate... she didn't want to work Saturday, so I took that shift in exchange for my Friday one. I don't really care, Saturday's just another day to me. So, yeah. I can use Friday to get some things done. Just thought I'd share that bit of uninteresting information with you.

2007-04-18 at 6:45 p.m.