I'm Sad, Dammit

So, yeah, this morning I caved and told a member of management about the overtime thing, and she practically had a stroke. She was like "I'm so glad you noticed, because I'd be in such trouble from head office if I had anyone doing overtime." I loved that, though, the part about her being glad I noticed. How am I not supposed to notice? I mean, my math skills are not great, however I do realize pretty quickly that 8 times 6 equals more than 40.

So I ended up leaving early today, will likely leave early tomorrow and Saturday as well, to get my total number of hours for this week comfortably below 40. Or, I'm hoping, they will just get rid of my Saturday shift altogether. That would be fantabulous.

I was supposed to go to this weird I don't even know what the hell it is thing downtown with Thing 1 and Angry Girl this evening but... meh. I'm not in the mood for people, places, or things right now. Thing 1 called about an hour and a half ago but I didn't answer because I was too busy screening my calls. Bad? Maybe. But I was under the impression today at work that she wasn't feeling too great and maybe wouldn't be going afterall anyway. Maybe she was just calling to tell me that. And she didn't leave a message, so either way it couldn't have been too urgent. Plus, Thing 1 is really starting to irritate me. And, for that matter, Angry Girl is too. So... screw it. I can be socialable some other day, when I'm not quite so irritable.

Today was the first time since management convinced me not to quit that I really really felt like I couldn't go on. I mean, and I know I didn't really say this, but I was quite relieved when they pursuaded me to stay. So I felt good about the whole thing, and have had a nice run of fairly decent days since then. But today I just found it all hard to handle. Even if I wasn't forced to leave early, I probably would have done so anyway. Nothing actually went wrong today at all, it just... I don't know. I wasn't feeling it, or it wasn't feeling me, or something like that. It was just brutal.

And Possible Future Roommate thinks she has another lead on a perfect apartment for us. For, like, the 50th time. Oh, I don't know. I still don't know what to think about the whole thing. Still don't want to do it, but still think it's probably the right thing to do. It's amazing when I look around this shit hole where everything is falling apart or not working that I could actually be quite devistated at the thought of moving away from it. But it's true.

2007-01-25 at 7:01 p.m.