When The Wind Blows The Cradle Will Rock

So all day at work today, I debated with myself about whether or not I should tell management about how they now have me scheduled for over 40 hours this week. Because I know that they would never intentionally do that... I mean, even during Christmas when we were understaffed CONSTANTLY, they never gave anyone more than 40 hours per week. And now when we are hearing nothing from management but how there's no money for very many hours, it's just so very weird that they'd literally double my hours for this week, right on into the overtime/time and a half territory. Don't get me wrong... I want the hours and I want the money, but I know I shouldn't have them. So I didn't say anything to management today, mainly because the manager who makes the schedules wasn't in. If she's in tomorrow, I'll probably say something. If she isn't, I'll just take it as a sign that this was meant to be.

And then wait for her to completely flip out about it later.

Wow. I am 57 varieties of tired right now. And I still have another 3 full days ahead of me. Maybe. But, yeah, I am just wiped out. Last night I ended up going to bed at 8:30. I'm thinking tonight may be the same, if not earlier. I need to do dishes tonight (because... can you guess? I'm out of knives!), and I'm thinking I want to watch another episode of Match Game (I still kind of want to build a time machine so that I can go back to the 1970s and marry Richard Dawson... does that make me strange?) but then after that... bedtime for the sleepy emu, me thinks.

There was this story on the news about some dumb kid who had her MSN Messenger account hacked into. You can file that one under "How the hell is this news?" If memory serves, a year and a half or so ago there was another similiar story on the news. If you're a kid, and you're dumb, you deserve to have your MSN account hacked into, that's all I gotta say. "When I, like, found out what happened I was, like, sweating and, like, shaking and was, like, nervous and I like totally put way the hell too much eye liner on..."

Um... anyways, enough of me for now. When I start talking about things like that, I've obviously run out of things to say.

2007-01-24 at 6:47 p.m.