My, What A Big Microphone You Have

Oooh, I've seen a ton of local readers come flooding back here. Was it something I said? I'm sure you're all just so interested in the mellowdrama that is Emu-Head, and you're all on the edge of your seats wondering what major life decision I'll make next.

Or it could be because I think I've noticed a trend of whenever I mention something about the local media, someone reads it, they tell two friends...

So I could say something else right now about that.

Well, first of all, let me tell you about dropping that resume off yesterday. It's kind of linked to that anyway. Uh... well, the place wasn't as far downtown as I thought it was. So I was sitting on the bus, minding my own business, when I noticed we were zooming by the street I was looking for. Heh. So I got off at the next stop which was, like, a kilometre away. Then I walked back to that street, found the place, got all sorts of bad vibes, but dropped off my resume anyway and started to head back downtown.


I was cutting through the parking lot of the "arena" (term used loosely) and by one of the massive holes that plagues our downtown core when I walked right by the original Friendly Neighbourhood Reporter Man. Unplanned. Beautiful, but unplanned. It didn't even fully dawn on me that it was him until I noticed the microphone. And I may or may not have muttered "Hi Friendly Neighbourhood Reporter Man" in a loud enough voice that may or may not have been heard by him, as I walked past. I hope I didn't, though. And I need to stop doing things without thinking, if I did.


Once I got back downtown, I realized that I really wasn't in the mood to be down there anymore, so I caught the next bus home. The bus ended up stopping at that particular hole to pick up some people, and FNRM was still there. He was practically standing at the bus stop this time, though. Oh, the view was lovely.


I was out for a walk last night. Minding my own business. It was a good evening for a walk, the muggyness of the day had started to wear off. Walking down the street... a news vehicle from that station drove by me. Heh. I don't know who was in it, and it doesn't matter either. But it was about that time that I realized that I needed to go home and stay home for a while. Far too many sightings in the past couple days.

So, yep.

2006-07-12 at 7:33 a.m.