In 5 Years The Corleone Family Will Be Completely Legitimate

So I've decided to have a Godfather marathon today while I unpack. While I've seen all three films many times, I've never watched them all back to back to back in the same day. So... yeah. Did the first film already, and unpacked some boxes. Just thought I'd come on here and see if I'm missing anything exciting on the internet before I start onto Part II.

So, yeah, my parents were here yesterday with the rest of my stuff. What a fun exciting adventure that was. I'd prefer not to go into the details. But I'm glad that's all over with. But now I still have to unpack and make sense of all this. And I was right when I said that I'd be cursing my packing tactics later. What an idiot I am.

My mom suggested that I come home for a few days before I start my job. It's something I'm thinking about. But, really, going home for a visit less than two weeks after I move away... it seems a little silly. I've still got a few days to decide, though. My parents are coming down here for my birthday anyway, and if I decide I wanna go back with them, I can. Then, of course, I have to find my way back down here again. It'll be a way to waste a few days. In a way, though, I'd really rather find something to do with my time down here.

What an ugly ugly UGLY damn day. I'm not going out at all. I mean, even if I wasn't in the middle of a Godfather marathon, I wouldn't be going out. Just... ugh.

Know what I love? I just think this is funny. This reoccuring theme on the news of people going apeshit over having a nice view from their house. People's priorities are strange. If you actually spend that much time just sitting and staring out your window, you need a hobby. Know what I have a view of? Well, I'm not going to tell you. But I will say that it ain't pretty. But if I'm in the mood to look at something pretty, I get up off my ass and I go somewhere. You don't have to travel very far around these parts to get to someplace pretty. I know homes with view have a better resale value but, again, that's only because people's priorities are out of whack.

Anyways... The Godfather Part II awaits. And it is, by far, the best film of the trilogy, as I'm sure you know. So I better get on that. And, oh yeah, more unpacking.

2006-03-05 at 12:49 p.m.