So What Does It Mean When Your Teeth Start To Fall Out?

And the entries just keep getting earlier and earlier.

So... I'm happy to report that I still have a job. Or I have a job again. I'm not quite sure which. The only thing is that I don't get to start for a while. It's not so long that I'm afraid I'm going to run out of money, but it is long enough that I'm afraid I'm going to go completely insane if I don't find something to do in the meantime. So I have some thinking to do.

Then I walked for, like, three hours yesterday. It was tiring, but fun. And, much like what I've been doing with the bus, it's the only way I'll learn. I hate feeling lost and like I don't know where anything is, so I really would like to get as familiar with this city as possible. I mean, even though I've been coming here on and off for pretty much my entire life... I really know nothing about this place.

The only bad thing is my hand started to swell up quite drastically while I was out. Well, my wrist has been giving me some problems again, as it is quite prone to doing, and I guess my hand felt like it was being left out. So I'd be walking down the street and every once in a while stop and compare my right hand to my left hand, to see how much bigger it had gotten. I'm sure that anyone who noticed me doing this thought I was quite insane. But I just couldn't believe it. That was about the time I decided to go home.

So I'm quite convinced that I'm going to get scurvy soon if I don't smarten up. And while I did actually manage to eat three meals yesterday, they weren't very big nor very healthy. I think that I need to do something. Like, there is a very important food group that is not being represented in my kitchen at all right now. Perhaps I should go to the grocery store and remedy that.

But first... my parents are coming this morning to bring me more of my stuff. I'll have more unpacking to do which is great, because I'm not even finished unpacking the stuff I already have. That's what I was going to do this morning. That's probably why I decided to wake up so early. So maybe I should get on that.

2006-03-04 at 6:51 a.m.