Settling In, I Think


So yesterday was pretty good. I did indeed take the bus, and it was beyond obvious that I was the only one on there who wasn't a frequent rider. Everyone was all reading or listening to music or looking generally bored, and I was just plastered to the window trying to see everything there was to see. Well, paying attention to such things is the only way I'll ever make sense of this crazy city.

I went to a couple of different malls and to that place that hired me once in hopes that they'd hire me again. I'm pretty sure they will. When I went in there, there was no one with hiring ability available, so the receptionist just took a message and said someone would call me. I got a call later on and the person, who sounded quite excited that I had showed up again, wants me to come in there today to see her. Promising? I think so.

I think I'm pretty much done being overly emotional about being here. That basically just lasted the first half a day that I was here alone. I think I've adjusted pretty quickly. I had a good day yesterday. Hopefully today will be pretty good too.

After I get back from what will hopefully be my place of business, I want to go exploring around this neighbourhood on foot to see exactly what's here. I kind of did that yesterday... I chose a street that I thought would lead to somewhere interesting, only to find that it went nowhere. Today I'll pick another street or two, and hope for better luck.

Oh, by the way... and I'm probably being silly in thinking this is a sign... but yesterday at one of the malls I was looking in a store and a Scissor Sisters song started playing. Then I went back out into the mall and who's playing out there? Duran Duran. That's gotta mean something, man. I took it as a good sign.

I stupidly went to bed last night with wet hair, so it's not looking too great right now. I need to figure out something to do with it, get dressed, maybe try to eat something (my lack of food intake during the past few days has been downright scary, but I just haven't been feeling hungry at all), get my ass over to that place, and make a good impression. I should probably get on that.

2006-03-03 at 7:20 a.m.