At Least My Brain Can Go On Vacation While I Continue To Work...

So I did slightly better tonight. I did cave at Arby's, but I just got a sandwich. And I went for a nice long walk. And it was all good. I'm fairly pleased.

So it does appear that Capital City Guy went off to Cracktown without even a "See ya" thrown in my direction. And I have no freakin' idea if he got the car or not. That would have been nice to know. *sigh* My eternal unhappiness with him continues to grow. I mean, when he's great he's really great... but he does so much that just makes me think that what we have is really a sham of a relationship and we don't really mean a hell of a lot to eachother at all. This whole time, I have still felt like I'm single. I don't really feel like I have someone there who loves me and cares about me AND THAT I CAN DEPEND ON. That's the major one. He's never really been there for me in the way that I need. And I don't really need much, I swear.

Anyhoos... work continues to kill my brain. Is there a more mindless job in the whole world? My sources say no. I really like everything about this job except for the actual job itself. It's just... it's like... its mindlessness is gonna burn me out. And I didn't think that was possible. I've only been there just shy of 2 weeks and I'm already thisclose to running into the woods screaming. It's so low stress, and I didn't have to interact with anybody at all today, even my supervisor, but... oh holy god, my braaaaaaainnnnnnnnnn. It needs to be stimulated slightly more. The people who have been there for a while... they must be androids. Seriously. Don't get me wrong, I'd like to work there forever... but I do think an eventual cut in hours and a second job will be quite necessary for my sanity.

I'm very tired now from my walk. I need to have a shower, then I think I might go straight to bed. Like I did last night, straight to bed after my shower. I paid for it with crazy hair this morning, though, lemme tell you what. But showering at night means I can sleep in slightly more, and I usually just pony-tail my hair anyway so it doesn't really matter how fucked and fro-y it looks.

Goddamn, tomorrow's only Thursday. Gah. Oh the pain.

2008-07-16 at 8:13 p.m.