Work Work Work Work...

So today was nice. Today was a 4 hour shift. I could definitely definitely do that more often... until the paycheque comes, that is. Then I'd be regretting it. But, yeah... especially since I ended up having a 15 minute meeting with the store manager that went positively (yay me and my "above average"-ness) followed by my 15 minute break. Yeah... it was a lax shift.

Tomorrow, though... not so lax. Tomorrow my supervisor and I start revamping my department. I'm working 9-4 and she's there 8-5 so I'm thinking there will be no rest for the wicked. I'm not looking forward to this... infact, I'm a little scared. When it comes to putting up and taking down shelves I have a tendency to swear A LOT and... yeah, I'm just still not huge on my supervisor at all... I don't like her telling me things... and I don't like having to be with her for any extended period of time. I might cry. I also noticed her and I are working all the same days this week, which pretty much never happens... we work alternate weekends and we typically have different days off during the week... but I guess since this big project was in the works, they put us on all the same days starting tomorrow. Gah. I might die. I WILL die.

So how much have I been bummin' out cuz of Capital City Guy? Not only the whole ex-girlfriend thing but I sent him a message on... wait a minute, lemme check here... Friday (okay, it wasn't as long ago as I thought it was... but still!!) saying we should maybe perhaps have more of a dialogue going between us between visits and... yeah, no response from him yet. Bastard. I'm already starting to write him off in my mind... until he eventually responds with something fantastic, and I'll be all kinds of smitten again.

So I didn't go out last night. The co-worker I was gonna go with was all like "I dunno if I feel like going anymore" and I was like "Yeah, I don't really either"... then I was asleep before 9 because that's how I roll. And... yeah. Good times, good times.

Fuck. I don't wanna go to work tomorrow. But hey, I just have to get through tomorrow then I have Tuesday off. Then I don't start til 3 on Wednesday... so it's almost like 2 days off when you think about how I'm off at 4 tomorrow... and I think my supervisor is off at 5 again on Wednesday, so that's only 2 hours I'll have to be with her... I'm just trying to make myself feel slightly better right now. I dunno if it's working, though.

My eyes have been burning all day. It's not exactly the greatest feeling. I think I should probably go to bed soon. Perhaps they need rest.

2008-02-03 at 9:02 p.m.