And, As Is Typical For The Emu, All Of A Sudden The World EXPLODES

Alright, so, I'm home again. Life altering events happened while I was away. Well... not really. But kinda.

Thing 1 apparently tried to kill herself. And now she's taking a live-in hotel cleaning job out of province.

I've decided that I do really want to move back to Nutty McShitville and get my drivers' licence so that my dad will give me his old car, and I can start helping take care of my grandma.

I accidently sent Two Night Stand Guy an angry message about him that was intended for Thing 1. Two Night Stand Guy later retaliated by drunkenly sending the two of us a picture of his penis. And now he has tagged us in an extremely drunken looking picture on Facebook that I don't even remember being taken. At least he didn't post the picture of me and him in bed that he took. I do remember that one being taken. If that ever shows up on Facebook, I'm untagging myself.

I've agreed to spend the night with Texty tonight but, low and behold, I've had a change of heart and no longer want to. At all. Because he's at his sisters' place or something, and that's just weird. Weird weird all over the place.

I got my cell phone bill that I knew would be outrageously high and... Christ, it's about 70 bucks more than I thought it would be. I seriously started hyperventalating. THAT IS NOT COOL. It's my fault, of course, but still.

So I've decided that hopefully this week (and if not, next week) I'm going to get myself a job. Any job. I don't even give a shit what it is, I'll go work goddamn fast food if it pays well enough and is full or close to full-time. Because I'm moving soon. I'm moving back to Nutty McShitville before the end of the year. I just want to save up some more money first. Especially after this cell phone bill I just got. Chriiiiiiiist.

I had a good time while I was home, it wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. I had some good discussions with my mom. I only had to make up a lie about still being employed to my father once, when he asked me what time I started tomorrow. And I got a whole whack of free lipstick and perfume. That was pretty sweet. Plus, you know, as always... good eats. Now I'm back. And tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I don't know what I'm doing. I was originally planning on spending tomorrow with Texty but now that I don't want to... I'm not sure what's going on. Thing 1 said she wanted me to come over for dinner, so maybe I will. But I dunno. I just dunno.

Part of me thinks I should start packing...

2007-10-07 at 2:27 p.m.