I'm A Funny Drunk. I Crack Myself Up.

Ah hahahahahahahahahaha! Okay, if you haven't already, read my last entry. Read it before this. I'll sit here and wait while you do that.


Okay. That was as new to me when I read it just now as it was to you. Like, when I awoke from my coma this morning, I remembered writing in here but I didn't remember what I wrote and... yeah. I love how I said how I had 60 bucks and didn't know where it went TWICE. I'm pretty sure I didn't intend to say that twice, I had just forgotten that I already stated that. Also... I know damn well where that 60 bucks went. It went to purchase large quantities of alcohol. Obviously.

And I love all the spelling mistakes and the number of times I used the wrong word.

Oh, and "my Bammy boy"? What the hell? No no no no no. He's not my Bammy boy. He's just Bam. That guy Bam.

Thing 1's new boyfriend seems kinda scuzzy. Yeah, that's a good word. Scuzzy. She's been going on about how hot he is, and last night was the first time I met him and... yeah. Her ex-boyfriend is way hotter.

And apparently last night Thing 2 broke up with her boyfriend. Again. I went outside the bar with Thing 1 while she went to have a cigarette and call her, and she wandered off and I was just sitting there and the bouncer or whatever the hell he was was just like "You look drunk. I want you to stand up for me." Ha. So I stood up, saying "Aw come on, I'm not drunk" and then sat down again. So he was like "You want to sit down, sweetheart, there's chairs inside. Out here you have to stand." No fun at all.

Angry Girl and I know how to have a good time together, though, this is for sure. We ended up taking a cab with these two guys who were going to a house party right near where I live... convenient. Anyways, Angry Girl was all upset in the cab that none of the radio stations were playing good music, so we busted out a massacred version of Roxanne and... some other song. I Will Survive, I think it was. Or maybe that was the song we sang after we got out of the cab. Or maybe it was both times. Anyways, those guys pretty much thought we were insane, but it was all good. We went to this party for a bit and got a free beer out of it. Then Angry Girl got a cab to her ex-boyfriend's house, and I walked home with those guys because they were heading to this other guy's place and he lives just down the street from me. Freakin' everyone lives near me, I swear. Very popular part of town.

Oh, and Angry Girl has called me about 15 times today... one of the times she called she was just like "Why are you up?" Because someone keeps goddamn calling me! She's gonna call yet again after she's off work, and we're going to do something before going out tonight.

Anyways... this has gotten long.

2007-05-05 at 12:48 p.m.