What Do You Know, Joe?

Oh my god, I'm tired.

Anyways... work today was fine. I spent the entire day in the back and any day where I don't have to deal with customers at all is a mighty fine day. And... yep. I was also encouraged today to apply for this full-time position that's coming up... oooh, the mighty step to actually maybe becoming officially full-time, instead of this unoffical full-time stuff I've been pulling for so long. Guy who quit last week (well, he put in his notice last week... his last day is actually this Friday)... I'm going for his job. A semi-management person at work was like today "You have to go for it! You have to go for it! There's no one here who'd be better suited for it than you." I think if the decision was up to her, she would have already handed it to me on a silver platter... which I think is a little weird, because I have no idea what I've done to make her so impressed with me. But, no, I have to go through this whole internal application process... we'll see what happens.

I've had a couple people comment on how they saw me on the news last week. "You looked so pretty!" Completely missing the point there. Although the one was like "I'll keep my eyes open for ya, for a cheaper place." Probably won't happen in this crazy city. Besides, like I've said before, my standards are kinda high. Unless some magical wonderful cheaper place happens to be no further than... oh, about 3 feet from where I'm living now, I'd be hesitant to go for it. Just because of the convenience factor, you know? Cheap-assed places are always in the most godawful locations, close to nothing. I'd pretty much rather be dirt poor than make it any more difficult than it already is to get from place to place.

Unless someone offers me really cheap accomodations, and a car. Or better yet, a helicopter. That would be awesome. My life would be so much better if I had my own helicopter.

My parents' hot water tank exploded today. How many years of bad luck is that?

Um... so I have a 4 and a half hour shift tomorrow, but since my 6 and a half hour shift today magically became an 8 and a half hour one, I'm hoping tomorrow's will grow as well. However I doubt I could be that lucky.

2007-02-27 at 7:17 p.m.