I'm Supposed To Be The Withdrawn Angry One, Dammit!

I'm going to see Bachman/Cummings in concert! And you're not! Or at least I assume that's the case... But yeah, I heard about it on the radio, had a frickin' heart attack, then later asked Capital City Guy if he'd go with me. And he knew who Randy Bachman was, but had "no idea who the other guy is". I had to physically hold myself back from dumping him on the spot. Friggin' hell. So I educated him (HELLO! Burton Cummings! Lead singer of The Guess Who and band that Randy Bachman was ALSO in before BTO... and who the hell knows about BTO and NOT The Guess Who?! I hate this world...) and... yeah. Tickets are bought, we are so going.

Speaking of Capital City Guy... Withdrawn McWithdrawnerson. Putting me to shame still. We went to go see Wolverine last night with the cute semi-goth her and her asshole boyfriend and he was, like, not friendly. Then when he asked me what I wanted to do after the movie, I was like "I dunno... did you want some company?" And he was like "You know... I really need some time to myself." Never mind the fact that he had ALL of that day, minus the two hours for the movie, and most of the day before ENTIRELY by himself... So I was like "Okay, just take me home then." So I sat infront of the computer and finished my bottle of Baileys, while he went to his place and continued to be in denial about being depressed.

He did call me this afternoon, though... asking if I wanted to come over, but I could tell he was just doing it because he felt obligated, not because he actually wanted to see me. So I said I was cleaning, having a drink (went out and bought the ingredients for Gin & Tonic today after work... damn all these liquor stores within walking distance) and watching the hockey game, and I'd give him a call back later. So he said that worked well, he could pick me up on his way to go pick up some beer. So... yeah. And I'm not even paying attention to the hockey game right now. I have it muted. And I'm trying to milk my second G&T here for all it's worth... trying not to see too eager, just because of how often he brushes me off. Two can play that game. But in reality... yeah, I really want to see him. Either that or I figure I'll be bored sitting at home all evening. Bit of both, perhaps.

So last night I got the news that Chuckles is moving two provinces away next month. Sadness. So I dunno what's going to happen with my group of friends in Nutty McShitville, she was kind of the glue that held us together. Her best friend is nice, but I dunno how I'd feel about hanging out with her without Chuckles. And I love our Token Foreign Friend but I find it hard to hang out with just her and have a one on one conversation, because she is difficult to understand. At least with 3 or more, at least one of us is almost guaranteed to understand what she's saying. I'm not trying to be mean here, it's just true... very strong accent and her English isn't very good. But anyways... yeah. So that's sad! Apparently Chuckles and her best friend are gonna come down to Capital City sometime this month, though, so that's cool. And I'll definitely make at least one more trip up there before she moves. But yeah. Man! It's not like I have so many friends that losing one doesn't... kinda... kill me in a way. Frig, I need some more friends.

CANUCKS SCORE! Hey, at least I was paying enough attention to the game to notice that.

Hmm, my room is looking better. Not perfect, but better. Well if I clean it all tonight, I won't have anything to do tomorrow after work. Yeah... yeah, that's it. So I dunno, I guess I'll just keep on slowly sipping my drink here, half-assedly watching the hockey game (I might actually turn the volume on now) and exercise a little while I kill some time before calling Capital City Guy. Yeah, that sounds like a plan.

2009-05-05 at 5:22 p.m.