How Do I Feel This Good Sober?

Uhhhhhhhh okay.

So Saturday I was still feeling really shitty and depressed, so I hopped on the bus to the Suck Ass Suburbs and hung out there for half the day. Dunno why, it was just something to do. Then I came home, Capital City Guy started to express a concern about my mental well-being, so he came and picked me up and we hung out for the rest of the night. Didn't really do anything. But it was fine. I wasn't sure at first if I wanted to see him... but then I figured, yet again, that at least it was something to do so I went for it. And it was fine.

Then pretty much all of Sunday I hung out with him too... then the Male came over and hung out with us... then the three of us met up with the Female downtown for dinner... and yes, there you go, that was my weekend in a nutshell.

Fun to hang out with the Male... I'm not going to lie, I have an ever growing crush on him. But nothing's gonna happen, we already discussed this cuz apparently he feels similarly about me... but it would pretty much DESTROY Capital City Guy so just no. But he's great, he truly is. I simply must see him at least one more time before he goes back home on Saturday. So hopefully I do.

Work this week has been kinda meh. Yesterday BLEW and I wanted to go postal, but today and Monday were quite uneventful and bland. And my evenings so far this week have been too. Monday I did some grocery shopping... and that was it. Last night I went for a walk then did more grocery shopping... and that was it. Tonight... well, it's 6:20 and I'm already in my jammies so I'm probably not doing anything at all. Just... blah. I wanted to go to a mall tonight, but I don't have the energy to walk there and I don't currently have enough change for the bus. So... at home I stay. I asked Capital City Guy if he wanted some company tonight, because I could probably manage to drag my ass that far, but he doesn't seem overly interested because he's sick. And likely feeling sorry for himself. Oh well. I'll just hang out here. It's actually kinda good because on Wednesday evenings Roomie has some kind of meeting he goes to, so it'll actually be quiet here for a while! I enjoy.

Oh! I forgot about this until just now. Giggles called me Saturday night drunk out of her mind... apparently her boyfriend just broke up with her or she just broke up with him... so she was hanging out on the streets with his friend and she was calling me to ask if I could buy her a pack of cigarettes... which is crazy cuz it was 10:30 at night and I live on the other side of the fucking city. Then apparently this guy she was with gave her a smoke, so it was all good. And I guess while she was talking to me she had this friend of her's from work on the other line, so she said she was going to let me go and go back to her... except she ended up talking to me still, thinking I was this other person. I tried to tell her I wasn't, but she didn't seem to hear me or understand or whatever, so I just hung up. The whole experience was weird.

Pretty much having friends like Giggles and Thing 1 and having to deal with their drunken antics make me not want to get drunk anymore. Maybe that's why God/fate/whatever made me become friends with them... to curb my own drinking habits. And dammit it took awhile, and Lord knows both of them made it worse in the process, but now I finally understand.

Plus the whole weirdness with me making out with my roommate. That pushed me along the road to sobriety as well. Although, you know... I don't entirely regret that and I probably would have ended up kissing him while sober eventually anyway. It's a long story. However, that being said... I'm still mostly avoiding him. I said I'd hang out with him sometime this weekend, though. And I probably will.

Anyways... yeah, I guess you're all up to speed now. Talk to you again in a few days, I guess.

2009-02-25 at 6:16 p.m.