Is It Christmas Yet? I Wanna Go Home.

I'm eating shortbread for breakfast. Tis the season.

So the life of Emu continues to be a blast. I hung out with Capital City Guy Sunday night... braved the little mini-storm going on to walk over there, cuz we were invited to help the cute awkward guy and his big blonde fiancee put up a giant artificial Christmas tree and eat pizza and be merry while doing so, but then the cute awkward guy phoned to say the roads were too bad to his fiancee's place so that was cancelled. So instead Capital City Guy and I walked to a Friendly Neighbourhood Restaurant to eat, then we went back to his place, he played Wow, I watched Family Guy on DVD... we did our thing, basically.

Then yesterday morning was fun. Capital City Guy starts work at 9:30. We woke up at 9:30. He panicked for, like, half a second then didn't seem to care too much that he was gonna be late for work. But I was still panicking for him. Then I checked my phone and friggin' work had called 2 hours earlier asking if I could come in, cuz my supervisor figured a lot of people wouldn't be able to make it cuz of the snow and ice on the roads, and she knows I live nearby. So I started panicking more. I called and she was like "Well... everybody showed up actually, but you could still come in if you want" cuz I guess she felt bad for me. So I ended up working 10 to 6 which is a shift I never want to work there again. The vibe was oh so wrong. If only I hadn't put my phone on silent, I would have gotten the message earlier and Capital City Guy and I wouldn't have been late for our respective works.

I'm not working today, though, which is just fabulous all over the place. And that sentence is a mix of both seriousness and sarcasm.

So, and this kinda came out of left field but... I got asked by Roomie to go out for dinner with him last night. I was so surprised that I said yes. During the 6 months I've lived here we really haven't had much if anything to do with eachother, so I figured it might be nice to hang out. And also it was his birthday yesterday. I felt soooo bad that the only person he had to celebrate his birthday with was his eccentric roommate that he barely knows. But anyways, he had a $50 certificate for a semi-nice restaurant so he even treated me to the dinner, then we drove around all over the place looking at Christmas lights, and ended up at the Casino where he lost 40 bucks in about 2 minutes. It was actually kinda fun, and most of the evening wasn't nearly as awkward as I thought it would be.

I've had dreams two nights in a row now that I've been pregnant. Now... this almost definitely isn't true, cuz I'm on the pill, but still. TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW?! Excessive.

Now to go check Facebook again. It told me before I came here that my account was unavailable due to site maintenance. By the way, there's no more efficient way to piss me off than that. YOU DO NOT DENY ME OF MY FACEBOOK. Craaaaaaaack.

2008-12-16 at 9:26 a.m.