I Need A Dozen Or So Hobbies


Yeah, still not working. And if I don't receive word by about 4:30 this afternoon, I'm not working Monday either. If by Wednesday or Thursday of next week I'm still not working I'm gonna say fuck it all and go spend a week and a half or more in Nutty McShitville. Cuz this is stupid. This is so so so stupid. I'm just INCAPABLE of dealing with spare time. I need a purpose.

I just walked to Wal-Mart and back to pick up a few essentials (and, okay, a few non-essentials too... I guess I didn't NEED those watermelon candycanes but goddammit, I WANTED them) before this big storm that's supposedly coming hits and... man, that was probably the least enjoyable experience of my young life. Wal-Mart is a tiny bit... like, a lot of people would not consider that to be within walking distance of where I live, most are surprised that I actually walk to and from there as often as I do, but hey what can I say, I like walking and I like avoiding public transit if possible. But today... good god, not enjoyable. So windy and that is a bitter fucking COLD RAIN... full blown snow would actually be preferable to what that was. It was such a cold rain that I do believe that scientifically it should not have been still in its liquid form. Moral of this story is, I wanted to die and I'm quite surprised I didn't.

Yesterday was a bit nicer, albeit still a bit on the chilly side. So I decided to head off to suburbia again... cute small town suburbia this time, though, not big box store suburbia like I usually choose. It's real pretty there and I was just wandering around downtown and by the water for a while and it was quite enjoyable. Long winding bus ride both ways, though. But I got to see some things I don't normally see, so it was good.

Last night out of DESPERATION FOR SOMETHING TO DO (have I mentioned I don't handle free time well?) I called Capital City Guy and... he wasn't home. And I was all "Huhwha?" Well actually, I had a feeling he wasn't going to be home... just a psychic intuition thing, I get that sometimes and it's amazing how often I'm right. He was originally going to go to Cracktown this weekend but last I heard he wasn't going anymore so I'm not going anymore like I was originally going to for that Christmas party... first of all, travelling conditions probably aren't going to be great if we want to believe the weather forecast and also if I continue working 16 hour or less work weeks I don't really want to throw 40 bucks at Greyhound to cart my ass there and back... anyways, I lost my train of thought there. Oh yeah, called Capital City Guy and he wasn't home... I can't help but feel a twinge of suspicion and jealousy... but I'll ignore it. He's not working today, I might call him a bit later cuz Christ almighty, I need a distraction from my dismal life.

I might also meet up with Giggles today sometime because SUPPOSEDLY she should have that money for me now. And as much as I'd like that money, I dunno if I'm in the mood for every sentence she says starting with the words "My boyfriend..." Blah blah blah. I don't care about your convict boyfriend and I spit on every happy couple I see. I spit on you all.

Anyways, enough of me and my sunny personality for today. Talk to y'all later, if I don't die first. Which I might.

2008-12-12 at 11:21 a.m.