Don't Be Hatin'

There now seems to be a very large very annoying permanent mark on my computer screen. I'm annoyed.

Anyhoos... been a few days, I guess. Meh. Lazy. Busy. Not wanting to write. Internet connection craps out at the worst possible times. Ya know how it is. I don't even know how to recap the last few days... the rest of Sunday was relatively nothing. Went and spent time with Capital City Guy, spent the night... I can't remember what happened Monday. Probably nothing. And then yesterday was shopping and movie night at the female of the former loveless bickering couple's place. And... oh good god.

First of all... every time I'm with her, I'm just trying to figure out if I like her at all. I'm really not sure. She kinda creeps me out... she's a raging bisexual with perhaps actually a preference for females and, yeah, she has hit on me. And normally I wouldn't care but she's super creepy about it, like an old man or something. And yesterday she just went off, like, 3 times about how I'm too skinny. And I'm sick to fucking death of hearing this because I'm really not. I used to be a lot skinnier. I'm actually a very healthy weight right now. And, yeah, I've had weight issues in the past... being underweight and being overweight... it's a sensitive subject for me. And people don't realize how, especially for someone like me, to go off about how they think I'm too skinny is equally as offensive as them going up to someone overweight and saying "Fuck, you're fat. Why are you so fat? Quit eating so much, fatty." Seriously. I just lost it on her. I was very very irritated.

So, yeah. Then, yeah, spent the night at Capital City Guy's place again, since he showed up at the movie night after he got off work. I love waking up next to that guy. He's so cute in the morning when he's all sleepy. That's why I like spending the night there so often. Even though it leaves me deprived of sleep. I never get my full 8 hours when I'm over there for the night, unless it's the weekend. Just, like, forget about it, it ain't happenin'. Cuz he's awake until, like, 12:30 talking to me, then I gotta get up at 7 to go home and get ready for work... and then I wake up half a dozen times during the night because he's practically pushing me off the bed or accidently punching me in the face or sleep-making out with me... yeah. Good thing I love the guy.

Tonight I went to go see Step Brothers with ADD because he loves the movie, I've been wanting to see it, and it's playing at the cheap theatre this week. Holy freakin' crap it was stupid, even for a Will Ferrell movie. I'm all kinds of in love with John C Reilly, though. And it was a good movie, just UNBELIEVEABLY dumb. Then we walked around, walked around my neighbourhood, he pointed out all of the really shady areas. Yeesh. I live in Shady Central, apparently. But my building is not too bad... and Capital City Guy's building is not too bad... but apparently every other apartment building or townhouse complex is, like, completely sketched out, filled with crackheads. That's just all kinds of lovely.

So tomorrow... I'm getting a new TV. Have I talked about how my free TV I acquired shortly after moving here has pretty much officially bit the dust? On the off chance that the thing actually turns on... usually ends up losing the sound after about 10 minutes or so... half an hour at the most. So my parents, as an early Christmas gift, have decided to buy me a new TV. I just pick out the one I want, put it on the joint Visa, my mom pays it off. Within reason... like, the one I want to get is slightly over the price limit so I'll just pay the difference. I've narrowed it down to 2, both at the same store, so Capital City Guy and I are going there tomorrow to look at them again and I'll pick out the one I decide on and he'll drive it home for me. It's just like a little 20 incher kind of thing. I'm pretty excited. I will watch TV.

Anyways... nuff of me. Gotta go to bed soon and actually sleep tonight.

2008-09-17 at 10:04 p.m.