Great Sex Was The One Thing We Had!! Dammit.


Anyways... success on the room cleaning front last night. It looks pretty damn good, at least by my standards. And because I finished it all last night, I did go over to Capital City Guy's place a little after 10, just as his little Rock Band party was wrapping up. He had called me earlier to see if I was coming and when I said no because I had cleaning to do, he seemed rather upset. So I did decide to eventually make an appearance. Kiiiiinda wish I didn't, though.

General unpleasantness, and semi-disasterous sex. First of all... his lecture about blow jobs. I just sat there and stared at him. I was pretty put off by this. Like... he's lucky I even do such a thing, because it appears that quite a lot of women won't even go there. I've always had positive feedback in the past from him and others, but last night he just decided to go off about everything I apparently do wrong. So I then turned the tables and told him practically everything he does wrong in the oral sex department too, stopping just short of telling him that several times in the past I've faked orgasms just to get him to stop.

Anyways... yeah, I'm sure this is getting a little sexually graphic for some, but let me continue. Then when we actually had sex... well first of all, I kept getting extremely painful leg cramps which kept ruining the moment whenever I had to push him away and walk it off. And then... yeah, it was going on FOREVER. I was so done. I was so tired and I was starting to feel a little nauseous too. He said something about how he wasn't able to finish because there wasn't enough lubrication so he grabbed the bottle of lube and I was all like "No. No. No more of this." He understood that I was feeling really tired and sick and just completely done with sex, and I understood that he was probably gonna go jerk off to porn as soon as I was asleep and... yeah. The end.

Barely two words said to eachother this morning. Then he called me this evening to say that his mom was coming to town this weekend and wanted to take us out Saturday night and... it was like he was calling to arrange a business meeting or something. His tone and his words were very formal. The call was pretty short. And it's like... goddamn, buddy, just break up with me already. You'd be doing both of us a favour. Cuz I'm not breaking up with him again unless the situation gets completely dire. I want him to do it.

Work today was alright. Emptier than usual. This evening I have spent mostly colouring in my new colouring book (yes, I bought a colouring book... shut up) and downloading some new music for my mp3 player to listen to at work. By the way, GREAT song if you haven't heard it already... 2 & 15/16 by USS. I just love it, I don't know why. I've been hearing it on the radio a lot... cuz I've been listening to the radio quite a bit at work since I'm getting pretty sick of my mp3s and... yeah. Great song. Kinda different. Go listen now. And... yeah. Now I'm feeling pretty beat. I'll probably bum around on the internet for a bit longer, then be in bed by 10 or so. Good times.

2008-08-20 at 8:37 p.m.