Taking The Bus? Walking? Only Fools Do That.

So Capital City Guy returned last night. He did indeed get the car. So he drove over to pick me up... despite me only living a few blocks away... and, yeah. It's not a bad little car, I quite like it. Later he decided that a romantic dinner at McDonalds was in order, so we drove there, parked, got out, then he was like "Fuck, we could just go through the drive thru!" So we got back in the car and did that. He's so funny.

And, yeah, we hung out last night. Didn't do too much exciting... went to go pick up some beer cuz our no drinking thing didn't last very long, then we just played Rock Band. Then, yeah, hot sex, sleep... then this morning we drove to Tim Hortons to get breakfast, then drove back to his place... ate and talked while he played World of Warcraft like the nerd that he is. Then I just walked home about half an hour ago. I'm surprised he even let me walk home. He's very very excited about his car. I pretty much am too. Having a boyfriend with a car will be very beneficial to me indeed.

When he was in Cracktown visiting his family, apparently they all gushed how much they liked me when they met me last weekend. So he's happy, because apparently they didn't like his last girlfriend very much. Score one for me. I'm always amazed when people like me because I don't think I'm very likeable... I'm really quiet and awkward and stuff. But whatever. Apparently they'd like to see me again, so he's thinking of going back to Cracktown in a couple weeks and taking me with him. And also that way I can meet up with my parents in Cracktown and my mom can finally meet Capital City Guy. And it will all be good.

Tomorrow Capital City Guy wants to take me and whatever other friends he can wrangle up to a park outside of the city to go hiking or whatever. He's gone mad with power now that he has a vehicle. It will be all good.

Anyways, in other news... I was bitten by something that has produced a large bump, and a lot of redness and itchiness. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a mosquito because my mosquito bites don't usually look quite like that... Capital City Guy thinks it might have been a spider. Cuz apparently there's no mosquitos in this part of the city anyway. Says him. And, yeah, the itchiness has lasted much longer than mosquito bites usually do with me. And it's so puffy and irritated. I probably won't die, but I most likely will go insane.

Yesterday morning my upstairs neighbours, who I already figured were assholes, decided to start blasting rave music at 3 in the morning. This, not surprisingly, woke me up. And in my half asleep stupor I started trying to shut off the alarm and the TV and answering my phone in an attempt to make the noise go away. Cuz it seriously sounded like it was coming from inside my room. But I had my window wide open and they had their window wide open and, yeah, the sound was just coming right in and it was SO LOUD. If they ever pull that kind of stunt again, especially when I have to work in the morning, they will be receiving a strongly worded letter from me. Strongly worded indeed.

My roommate is blasting some hip hop right now. He didn't strike me as a hip hop kind of guy. He usually keeps stuff to a more reasonable level... I don't think he realizes I've come home. Either that or he's stopped caring. But I don't really mind right now cuz it's not 3 in the morning. I'm considerably more easy going about other people's loud music when I'm not trying to sleep.

I wanna go have a shower soon. Attempt to shave my legs with this massive itchy bump on one of them. I bet that will feel good. And... yeah. I'm gonna hang out here for a bit... maybe catch a nap... go back over to Capital City Guy's place this evening most likely. Good times.

2008-07-19 at 12:32 p.m.