No Babies Pill

So, I did it. I went and got a prescription for the Pill. It was easier than I thought... I seriously think it must depend on the doctor. My doctor in Cracktown insisted that I have a complete head to toe physical before he'd even consider prescribing it. This guy I went and saw today just wrote me out a year's prescription without hesitation. He also gave me 100 of my anti-depressants. Score. I can't start taking the Pill for over two more weeks, though... since they say the first Sunday after your period starts is the best time. Then for the first week they recommend you use a backup method of birth control as well. So, yeah, another 3 weeks and Capital City Guy will be a very happy man. Provided I don't break up with him again before then. Ha.

So the weekend is here, and just in time, cuz I was starting to go a little bat shit insane at work. I dunno, today was just a harsh day... it's like my brain and my fingers just weren't working properly, and that makes it very hard to type. But oh well, it's all over now. After work today I came home for a little while... went off to the mall and the doctor and got my many many prescriptions... then walked home. Listening to my new mp3 player, of course. Snazzy little thing that it is. Now... I dunno. Dunno what I'll do with the rest of my evening. Probably just lay low, do some reading, stare at the ceiling. Capital City Guy has family from Scotland in town tonight so he's out of the picture. Then tomorrow if I get ambitious enough I might take the bus out to the 'burbs. I hear the shopping is good out there. Lots of big box stores and the like. I must investigate. Then maybe Capital City Guy will want to hang out, but I dunno. I won't depend on it, cuz one of the things that pissed me off so much before is I started depending on him to be there when I wanted him to be, and that's just rarely going to be the case. Apparently this is normal, though. But I dunno.

So Giggles is moving down here soon. Her boyfriend is in the process of finding a place for them. And she's transferring to one of the stores here, they already have a full-time position waiting for her. People thought I should have transferred stores too, but I already did that once from Cracktown to Nutty McShitville and I wasn't going to do it again. A month of unemployment was worth me getting out of that company. But anyways... yeah. They're probably gonna be living more in the suburbian wonderland so I dunno how much I'll actually get to see her, since I rarely escape from my concrete jungle here. But whatever. It'll be nice to have a friend close by. It's gonna be hard for me to make friends at work because chitchat between employees is greatly frowned upon. And Capital City Guy's friends are just weird. So... yeah.

Fuck, I'm glad it's the weekend! Okay, I'm gonna go lie down now.

2008-07-11 at 8:11 p.m.