Why Do I Keep Getting Jobs At Places That Are Fucked?!

The last few days at work have been some kind of fun.

On Friday night... I was about 4 feet away from this poorly assembled display of heavy shovels and sharp pointy rakes when it decided to collapse. Gardening equipment flying everywhere. This little metal bar that was holding it all basically just snapped. It was quite the scene. I had just walked by it... I didn't touch it at all, though. Either the breeze I created when I walked by was its last straw or it was just about to do it anyway and I have bizarre timing... I dunno. But the cashier supervisor that night ran over and was just like "This is complete bullshit. Don't touch anything, leave everything where it is... I'm going to get the assistant manager to look at this."

So, like... she pages the assistant manager, cuz no one knows where she is, a couple of times and no response. Then someone went into her office where she was sitting eating and told her what happened and that the supervisor really wanted her to take a look at it, because that was a situation that could have been much much worse and shouldn't have happened at all, and she was just like "No, I'm on a break. Just clean it up." Lovely bit of management going on there. Her and the store manager are the worst management people after. For real. So yeah, no one was terribly impressed with her. She just does not give a shit about anything.

Then Saturday was a complete fiasco. The assistant manager was, again, not giving a shit about anything. Half the cash registers stopped working. A whole bunch of people didn't show up for their shift. The cashier supervisor was yelled at by the assistant manager because of the registers and a couple cashiers not showing up... like that was all HER fault. So she was walking around sobbing all day. Chuckles' supervisor made her cry for, like, the millionth time... and for something really dumb, she got in shit for something that someone else had done wrong... so she quit. Well, technically she put in her two weeks notice but she said that she doesn't think she can go back. A lot of people do that there, though. Put in their two weeks then don't show up for them. And... oh yeah, one co-worker showed up at work drunk. But, yeah, the whole day was pretty much extremely ridiculous.

Yesterday was relatively uneventful... except Chuckles, not surprisingly, didn't show up for her shift. And one cash register broke down. But only one, this time. And only one employee started crying. But still. It's ridiculous in that place, how often management makes their employees cry. Then they wonder why the turnover is so huge. And they wonder why the employees who have actually been there for a while are all full-blown alcoholics. Fuck this job. One way or another, I'm putting in my two weeks notice next week. One thing that sucks, though, is no matter how miserable I get, I have to be dignified about this because if I do anything stupid, my mom would suffer the backlash and I don't want that. So, you know... I'll do my best to be civilized. But one of the first things I'm gonna do after I put in my notice is ask my supervisor's permission to use her as a reference. If she doesn't say yes... well, I'm definitely not doing anything extra during my last couple weeks, let me tell you what.

Anyways... today is my day off. I'm just gonna finish up my MSN convo with Capital City Guy, then go have a shower and take a walk somewhere. Probably downtown. Then my mom is off at 1... we're going to Heroin River later... it'll be good times.

2008-04-28 at 9:44 a.m.