All I Can Say Is He Better Make It Up To Me This Weekend...

Gah, I'm getting pissed off at Capital City Guy again. Like... he said he'd be taking the bus that gets to Cracktown from Capital City at 11pm on Friday night. Um... according to the Greyhound website, there is no such thing. Last bus gets to Cracktown at 9. And, like... I still don't know what exactly is going on... like if he wants me to meet him at the bus depot or something... cuz my bus still gets there before his. Although I screwed up on the time too, for some reason I thought it was 9 but it's 8:15. So, like... I want to know. And asshole doesn't have a cell phone, so that will make things more complicated once we're both in Cracktown as well. So I wanna know, like, ahead of time. And I quite often see him in the Online Now list on Facebook... but yet he's never on MSN the past few days. Not that I really waaaaant him to be, cuz that would piss me off too. But he could send me a message on Facebook telling me what's up. I HATE not having solid plans.

Seriously, if it weren't for the fact that I'm smitten with the boy when I'm with him, all this online crap he puts me though would be grounds for me to break up with him again.

Do I sound spastic enough for ya? Ugh. Maybe I'm just extra irritable right now cuz I had a crazy day at work. My supervisor was playing Captain Obvious today. Annoying. Sometimes I swear that woman thinks I'm a complete idiot. And... yeah. Stuff and things and... I didn't get nearly as much done at work today as I wanted to.

AND! AND! Schedule for next week is up. My birthday is next Thursday and the weekend following that is my weekend to work... every time I work the weekend I get either the Thursday or Friday off... usually the Thursday... and I figured either way that works well... I either get my birthday off or I can get myself liquored up the night of my birthday if I want to, and I don't have to worry about work the next day. HOWEVER, for the first time in the HISTORY of ALL MANKIND... they decided to give me the Wednesday off instead. What the hell?! Colour me pissed off. Everyone said I should have requested my birthday off, but I figured I'd probably get it off anyway. However... apparently not. Apparently they like fucking me around.

I hate them.

What else can I bitch about right now? Um... I dunno. Well, I guess I can be positive for a moment here... yesterday was good, I had the day off and I caught up with a couple recent episodes of Family Guy that I missed by watching them on the internets... also watched Reno 911 Miami, which was kind of funny. And... yeah. I like having the day off. It's good. And... today wasn't a baaaad day at work, it went by hella fast... it was just frustrating at some points. But Giggles gave me this little lunch box thing. It's cute.

Yeah, but I feel pretty irritated right now. Grr.

2008-03-05 at 8:18 p.m.